
communism_liker_69 [he/him]

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if he’s as bad as they say he is, it’s their moral imperative to k*ll him. It’s like how you have to off hitler if you have a time machine.


also like, what is there for him if he has “no personality”. If I made just like 2M (Mr. Beast is worth 500M), you could live off 6% interest and make a comfy 100k annually. I’d go skiing, go rock climbing, work on some projects I can’t do because I have to work for a living. If he has nothing to live for, he stops grinding on his youtube channel and then what? He just sinks into a depressive episode?


if you’re interested I’m in a lefty community that plays SC. hit me up for a discord invite, I don’t want to be super annoying about it.

I like the game and have fun with it. It helps to know a lot of basic workarounds for the bugs (that do def exist), once you get around the common bugs it’s not too painful.


oh shit imma start posting positive star citizen content now


KSP with guns

A similar-to-stellaris grand strategy space game where the main movement mechanic is plotting orbits.

Also it would be really cool if that game had simulated atmospheres on the planets so terraforming and developing them becomes a more in depth ecological and climate project, rather than just paying credits for habitability.


replacing chat GPT by hiring a guy who smokes a shit ton of DMT and tells you rambling stores from his drug haze


isn’t flyleaf a christian metal band lol

I specifically remember during my cringe christian middleschool phase learning about one of their songs that was about a mass shooter going around and asking people if they believe in god and killing them if they say yes, and thinking hell yeah that’s fucking dope I would 100% tell the mass shooter to kill me cause I’m so pious.



hate to break it to you but NASA largely operates via private companies. Before SpaceX NASA was buying most of its launches from ULA which was just a defense contractor monopoly on the launch industry. During the Shuttle era, most of its parts were made by private companies, and usually the sourcing decisions were political (congressperson x needs a gasket made in their district) rather than like, trying to efficiently build a launch vehicle using public money.

For example, the Space Shuttle Main Engines were designed and manufactured by Rocketdyne. NASA refurbished them between flights, but for SLS (the next launch vehicle) they’re being expended, meaning more money for Aerojet Rocketdyne.

Shuttle SRBs were made by a variety of companies, including Thiokol/ATK and Pratt & Whitney


Falafel is a good use of chickpeas.

It’s very easy, just blitz raw soaked chickpeas with parsley, garlic, some onion, some cumin/coriander, some salt, add water until it makes a malleable paste. Too little water and it will come out kinda coarse and chunky, too much and it won’t form shape.

The batter tastes really bad so you can’t really taste it for ratios, but there are a ton of recipes out there. Not all of them include parsley but I like having them be bright green in the center.

If you don’t have a falafel press you can just shape them in a spoon. Make a small indent/trough with a butter knife. Deep fry in neutral oil till they’re brown and crispy.

For vegan dipping sauces there’s a lot of recipes for tahini sauces. You can also use hummus, but that can be a bit chickpea-overloaded.

When I was in college I worked at a farmers market for this Syrian lady and we sold these, so this is roughly following her recipe. She used parsley and a ton of garlic. I never got the exact recipe so I spent a while trying to re-create it after moving away. A big mistake I made trying to figure it out at first was using canned chickpeas, which are cooked, and will not hold shape while frying, but just dissolve.
