I know its been said many times already, but I just wanna thank the mods for making it.
After CTH got banned I got really depressed (unexpectedly for me). I had to subscribe to r/DankLeft (lame) and r/okbuddycapitalist (not big enough), even started listening to the podcast.
Now I’m so happy this exists, guys, gals and enbies
I briefly hung out in r/latestagecapitalism. there are some chapo refugees there it seems but holy shit it’s full of libs. and not just the chapos i’m talking about. i guess it’s a good place to educate some anti-capitalist curious types
Yeah, I don’t know if it’s just because most of us moved on once the main sub was shuttered but /r/latestagecapitalism and even larger subs more amenable to left critique like /r/me_irl took a major lib turn. They don’t get every post but there must be a few CTR types keeping one eye on things, certain comments will get dogpiled and pro forma “most progressive platform in dem history” copypasted.
Dude I started reading NYT. You don’t even know.
What do you mean podcast?
For all of its liberalism, CTH is the most based community. Even if it was “funny” in a way that we predicted the sub would be banned with TD, I missed it so fucking much. Dankleft is far too boomerish, Completeanarchy and fullcommunism too sectarian, GenZedong and GenZarnarchist too small and so on. I can only dream of chapo.chat reaching 100k+ again.