how are we doing today gang? i think i caught a cold from flyering at pride last week. honestly i feel a little bummed that pride month is over, june is my favorite month and there aren’t any more good holidays till Halloween. I guess I’m ready for summer to be over. come chat vent and joke! em poc only!!

1 point

@aaaaaaadjsf can you speak any Southern African languages? you can PM instead if you want

(also applies to anyone here that can speak any Southern African languages)

9 points

“I’d rather vote for a corpse than Trump”

Buddy, you must just get your wish


Yes, he must just get his wish

10 points

I was talking to my closest friend tonight about the concept of hiring discrimination and it got heated. The topic of diversity quotas came up, which, as far as I’m concerned, is an overblown right wing culture war talking point, but she fully believes that it’s an issue because she “doesn’t believe in discrimination.”

I believe her, she’s genuinely a good person, but I also think that things like diversity quotas were put in place because white people historically cannot be trusted to not be biased against minorities. It’s a measure to combat institutional discrimination. She agreed, and she couldn’t think of a better alternative to diversity mandates since you can’t “force people to be good,” but she still thought they were wrong.

Her argument frustrated me because it sounded a lot like she was saying that people were only being hired because of diversity quotas, which is ridiculous and I think where the argument becomes unabashedly racist. To be considered for a job, in my mind, you have to be capable of actually doing it. Therefore someone hired where diversity tipped it in their favour is already also capable of doing the job, else they wouldn’t be considered. The white PhD is not going to be passed over for any POC off the street, but if there’s also a POC PhD in the running, and the company has a 90% white work force, what is the issue in hiring the POC PhD? She didn’t accept the idea that the POC candidates aren’t being hired purely for diversity reasons and I think this is a result of white American brainworms.

I think I could have done a better job of representing the argument but I probably don’t understand the topic as well as I think I do. I dismiss a lot of the points as culture war nonsense not worth thinking about. Are ‘diversity quotas’ actually as prevalent as white people think they are? What are some stronger thoughts on this whole topic? Am I even making the correct argument here?

I’m feeling pretty down about this because she’s literally my closest friend and it sucks to hear her make these kinds of arguments.

8 points

It’s bullshit, I work at probably the most woke tech company in the world and women are 20-25% of coders, and I know 3 black coders out of hundreds. I know 0 Hispanic coders here

All 3 are pretty average as an employee, from rich families, and got hired out of school from Stanford, Harvard, ?

So as usual, family income is the best predictor for career success lol

8 points

Maybe someone that is more well read can add a bit more to what I’m going to say, but I’m pretty sure studies on diversity hires finds that they almost always are just as, if not more highly qualified than their white counterparts. The argument that a diversity hire is indeed taking the job from a more qualified white candidate is a right-wing talking point for sure.

I honestly think you did a good job of representing your side of your argument given it was an on the spot conversation. If you really feel like it, you could always find and provide her with some of the studies that have been done on the subject.

Also one final point I would have made is what would be her solution. If she does believe that there is discrimination and people can’t be “forced to be good”, what will happen to all of these POC who are qualified, but aren’t being hired?

Somewhat related too, but I had a co-worker, also a POC, bring up diversity hiring as well. He’s got conservative views and is all in on chud news/content on social media. He’s talked about how DEI is a problem before. But yesterday he was talking about how Republicans helped pass affirmative action laws. I corrected him on that point because the revisionism lol. But I also made sure to add, yeah affirmative action laws are necessary but conservatives are trying to reverse a lot of them with their anti-DEI movement.


Thanks comrade. I think I might look up those studies and send them her way. She literally did not have an alternative answer for how to combat hiring bias but said she still could not “support discrimination.” I argued calling it ‘discrimination’ in this context is highly political, because it’s starting from a position of the white candidate always being more qualified than a ‘diversity hire,’ which is just untrue.

I think she wants a world where everyone is judged on merit alone, but that world isn’t this one. Crackers hire crackers because of their own internal biases which then reinforces the idea that they are the most qualified candidate. Diversity quotas come in to disrupt those biases and in response the conversation shifts to white people losing jobs to unqualified ‘diversity hires’ (even the term irks me). Somehow, someway, white people always manage to make themselves the victims.

6 points

Your argument was fine.

I think a lot of white people created the idea of how POC are treated in their mind and just go with it as fact. This is over the course of a few decades and is enriched in the many myths of the us. I’ve had this argument with many people and even if we agreed the candidates were equal, they still didn’t accept picking the POC person(most likely Black) was anything but discrimination. I really don’t get why but you’re right that no company will hire someone that’s unqualified just because they have a quota. Ask them back if both were equally qualified but one was an underrepresented gender or disabled would they still feel the same?


Thanks comrade. I really find the discussion draining and exhausting, especially coming from someone who I love a lot. I understand now when people say you have to work twice as hard as your white counterparts as a woman or POC to be recognised.

9 points

MY cold is almost gone it seems


Life to you, Comps!

10 points

Overall I’m doing fine. Feeling a little burnedout from work, but I hung out with coworkers in the middle of last week and things are going well with my crush too.

I went to a small family gathering for a couple of my cousins’ kids high school graduation. It was ok, until everyone decided to go down the Christofash talking points rabbit hole. Anti-communism, misogyny, and queerphobia just flying out of peoples mouths in quick succession.

Also my mom today told me that one of my cousins’ chud cracker husband was being racist. I had heard him say some dumbshit about someone not speaking “real English” after coming back from the bathroom, but I had no idea what he was referring to. My mom said that he was talking about an artist from our country who was singing a song with some lyrics in English. I really don’t like him, but my cousin seems to just gravitate towards shitty crackers. Her first partner when she moved here was a cop and I don’t remember where she met her husband, but he’s some redneck from the South. I shouldn’t be surprised though, most of my mom’s side of the family are evangelicals, so high chance that they’d have shitty worldviews.



Every time I hear that time, I get irrationally angry… are these relatives gusanos or smthn’?

2 points

Nah. Most of my family is from a country that hasn’t really had a major leftist movement, but its just generally pretty conservative.




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I don’t look XYZ and/or sometimes I can pass as white so I don’t know if I can post here. Can I?

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