It’s just super frustrating seeing people who are supposedly my brothers and sisters, who I’ve been there to the hilt, who know that my partner is struggling, who know that I’m terrified. We’ve gone through the science and racial and class inequalities together and they’ve voiced how they should mask a hundred times. And then they come to meet me IRL totally fucking unmasked, without even a fucking apology.

Well, if you’re “back to normal”, I’ll sit and watch you eat outside, but I’m not taking my mask off in front of you. I’ll wait till you finish your meal, and I’ll head home early. If I’ve complained about no masking two times already, you heard it enough, I’m not going to complain again.

Am I overreacting?

Edit: for those of griping that you’re not allowed to do COVID minimisation in this comm. These would be valid answer:

  • Maybe your friend forgot
  • Maybe your friend was tired
  • Maybe your friend was hung over
  • Your friend made a mistake but you should forgive him
  • I’m not yet fully covid conscious, but I’m trying
  • We can’t all be perfect. Hopefully they do better next time.

Not acceptable:

  • Oh here’s a tidbit about masks that’s been disproven in the science literature 10x already
  • Oh the chuds and libs aren’t masking, and I feel peer pressured

Anyone out there who has gone “back to normal” when:

  1. Covid obviously isn’t over and researchers are out there pointing out we’re heading towards disaster.
  2. We watched them sociologically end the pandemic in real time at the request of businesses, completely at odds with science.
  3. Immunocompromised folks are literally out there begging people to mask and not abandon them the way the government has.

Is a Full Stop.

26 points

Thanks for your response. And obviously I agree with you. It’s just harder when I see leftists (MLs, Trots, Anarchists, etc) pull this. I just have much higher standards for them.

26 points

Everyone in the west is still susceptible to the liberal ideology of good vibes and tasty treats at any cost. Most of the people I know would spread COVID if it meant they get to go to a shitty bar or boring movie theater.


Welcome. As you should. These people are deeply unserious and should be ashamed of themselves.

16 points


researchers are out there pointing out we’re heading towards disaster.

Do you have anything to link so I can read further?


From the Guardian Last March

‘Alarming’ rise in Americans with long Covid symptoms

Some 6.8% of American adults are currently experiencing long Covid symptoms, according to a new survey from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), revealing an “alarming” increase in recent months even as the health agency relaxes Covid isolation recommendations, experts say.

That means an estimated 17.6 million Americans could now be living with long Covid.

“This should be setting off alarms for many people,” said David Putrino, the Nash Family Director of the Cohen Center for Recovery From Complex Chronic Illness at Mount Sinai. “We’re really starting to see issues emerging faster than I expected.”

“Debilitating a Generation”: Expert Warns That Long COVID May Eventually Affect Most Americans | Institute for New Economic Thinking

Most people are eventually going to get brain damage from Covid

Long COVID is associated with severe cognitive slowing: a multicentre cross-sectional study - eClinicalMedicine

Covid, long term, seems to pretty much attack whatever weakness you’ve got. Cancers, Heart Issues, whateer, even stuff like Parkinson’s.

COVID survivors may be at a greater risk of Parkinson’s disease–like symptoms in the future, researchers warn. What you need to know to protect your health | Fortune Well

Kids can get Long Covid

Study: Kids with long COVID have impaired exercise capacity | CIDRAP

Dogs (and probably other pets) can get Long Covid and if you check Google News, there’s been a mysterious respiratory virus going around amongst dogs that if it wasn’t covid related was probably immune disregulation related from covid.

Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Transmitted among Dogs - Volume 29, Number 11—November 2023 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC (cw: animal testing)

6 points

Very useful resource. I’ve saved this comment for future use.


I’ll see if I can find you some actual studies when I’m at my desktop, but pretty much every legit article on long covid ends with a researcher trying to get people to wake up to the fact that everyone is going to get long covid and we’re heading towards a future of healthcare collapse.

Even Bloomberg, while still in denial about the cause, can’t hide that mass immune disregulation is happening.

1 point
Deleted by creator

They’ve accepted the lies of our enemies. Propaganda of a Class War that’s telling them they’re expendable fodder for the wealth of the Owners. Have you, as well? Are you and they disposable? I sure don’t fucking think so.

45 points

My local anti-corporate anti-cop, etc alt. pride event was masks-required and it really re-opened my eyes in a way. I still have masks, and try to use them in crowded places or if I feel off, but I’ve been slipping and I didn’t know a single person who is still masking like, on the daily. So going and seeing hey, here’s several thousand people (minimum) and all are masking, almost all with n/kn95, was really nice to see and makes me want to be more vigilant.

I don’t think you’re at all wrong to be disappointed. These aren’t random people, these are people who know you, know your situation, and still can’t just like, put a mask in their bag and wear it to see you? The whole “fear of covid” angle that libs love to take is bullshit. You don’t have to be afraid of something to take a basic precaution. I’m not afraid to ride my bike, even though statistically there’s a risk that I get maimed or killed by a car every time I ride it. But I do still usually wear a helmet (and n/kn95 masks straight up are probably more effective than helmets if some research I’ve seen is to be believed.) It’s not “fear” (or lack thereof) causing people not to mask, just social pressure and laziness.

42 points

I can understand the sentiment that Covid is “over” since absolutely nobody takes it seriously or takes any preventative measures now. The media has completely stopped reporting on it and the CDC has even stopped counting COVID related deaths. Society seems to have decided to just move on, consequences be damned.

However, it still hurts every time I hear people completely dismiss it as a thing of the past when my own mother fucking died from it just six months ago. Yeah, please let her know that it’s over and not to worry, that’s what killed her. Sure, the average young healthy person has been vaccinated and/or already had it multiple times so it’s no big deal to them but there are still a LOT of other at risk groups that could easily die. It’s not like the virus has been eradicated, we’ve just collectively decided that those people’s lives are worth less than going to a packed Taylor swift concert.

So no, it’s not unreasonable at all to ask your friends to show some basic fucking respect and wear a mask around you and your partner. People are still dying from covid every day so I don’t question the validity of your concern in the slightest. If your friends are actual comrades and capable of understanding the way Covid deaths have been politicized perhaps a gentle reminder that the current administration is doing its best to sweep ongoing Covid deaths under the rug to give Biden a “win” would help

6 points

I’m so sorry about your mum. Ya COVID was the thing that killed my father. I just assume that it was the family Christmas that did it.

23 points

Disability solidarity defines the left just as surely as Palestine solidarity or trans solidarity. Unchecked covid will make everyone disabled over time, and unchecked health chauvinism will make it easier to forget those who drop out of public life, whether by developing debilitating long covid conditions (acknowledged as such or not), or by adopting lonely precautions, or both.

Also masking makes it less simple for cops and cameras to ID you, and can be an accessible and immediate source of relief for trans people who want to conceal unwanted puberty effects on their face. The more people stubbornly mask, the more cover is offered to the most exposed and vulnerable, along multiple intersections.

When you wear a mask, you’re wearing communism. When you refuse to wear a mask, you’re wearing the emperor’s new clothes

32 points

NOPE! While I try not to actively show it, I do harbor resentment towards my friends who have gone “back to normal”. The main difference is that my friends are mostly libs, so its not unexpected or surprising, but still frustrating and sad.

23 points

While I try not to actively show it, I do harbor resentment towards my friends who have gone “back to normal”.

This is exactly me. Although I did have a small community of left people who all masked, but it seems to be deteriorating. Now the only one I can trust is my partner. I guess I’m lucky in that regards.

19 points

Yup, my partner is also the only person that is on the same page as me. Neither of us will do indoor dining at restaurants, we mask in pretty much all public areas, we are still buying tests and using them when we feel off… The next closest people are out best friends, but even they will go to a restaurant on occasion. However, at least they respect our stance and will accomodate and understand our positions.

The world seems to be shrinking and I am lucky enough to have a partner who agrees with me, I’ve seen couples that are at odds with each other over COVID and I don’t really understand how they overcome that. Not only the COVID part, but the fundamental differences in general at that point…

20 points

Your relationship and my relationship is pretty much the same. I wish we were in the same city to hang out.

16 points

I recommend Death Panel’s episode about that whinging NPR COVID “perspective”. There are literally dozens of us out here still masking.




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