
barrbaric [he/him]

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Oh, the dems definitely can’t. Their whole thing is a continued erosion of quality of life for the general populace, while occasionally being physically dragged kicking and screaming into passing some meaningful social legislation (gay marriage and the like). But people still like Obama despite being an empty suit whose job was to ruin their lives because he played the role well. The fact that they can’t even do that anymore is quite worrisome.

Agreed that Trump doesn’t really want to do anything because he’s a lazy fool. The real concern imo will be the guy who comes after Trump who is an ideologically committed fascist who is able to capitalize on the shift in the overton window. The dems will do nothing to oppose this, as you pointed out.


I’d be curious to see how much it actually saves. The plastic buttons and switches aren’t going to cost a lot themselves, and the wiring will be mostly identical (unless you’re doing something stupid like Tesla’s running everything in series).


Fearing the maid outfit and cat ears is a skill issue.


Smh all these other cis people overreacting, as a cis person this is fine, if you’ve done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.


In 2020 there were like a dozen candidates who represented the establishment, but none of them were doing well during the primaries so, in order to stop a possible Bernie nomination, they all dropped out (possibly due to Obama interfering directly) and the DNC coalesced around Biden as the pick. Harris was chosen as VP for the inverse of why Biden was Obama’s VP pick: a woman of color is good optics when compared to the racist cracker who was going to be president.

Any dems with a national profile atm tend to be from the extremes of the party (Bernie or AOC vs Manchin or Pelosi etc), who are widely hated by large segments of the population and seen as non-viable. They haven’t elevated any of the candidates from 2020 to a higher profile either (Pete the Rat is secretary of transportation but that’s hardly a sexy post). This is why the like third place candidate on betting sites is Michelle Obama. The dems have consciously chosen to do nothing and have fucked themselves over in the process.

  1. Elden Ring
  2. MGSV
  3. Spider Man 2
  4. GoW Ragnarok
  5. Cyberpunk 2077
  6. Horizon Forbidden West
  7. TotK
  8. Fallout 4
  9. GTA5
  10. Assassin’s Creed Mirage
  11. RDR2
  12. Last of Us 2
  13. Starfield

MGSV is a 6/10, for reference.


In response to the questions:

  • Didn’t use the setting, but I imagine a lot of characters will still be wearing very few clothes, just covering up/censoring any boobs or genitals. Game feels pretty male-gazey in general.
  • Combat and looting is like 90% of the game
  • Can’t answer
  • Used a mod to let me cheat and add in infinite money to buy all the iconic weapons I’d missed at the shop that was added in the DLC. Oh, also the really expensive cars. It worked, no complaints.
  • Not really. The story and writing are incredibly weak, which means it relies on its moment to moment gameplay, which becomes quite formulaic and stale after you’ve progressed a decent way into the game and your build has solidified. The way the systems work mean that the gameplay gets easier as you progress, too, which results in the final boss fight being easier than some random scrap with scrubs 20 minutes into the game.

I’d say it’s not worth it. And I say this as someone who has beaten it three times (at launch, after the anime came out, after the DLC came out and “fixed” (it didn’t) things).
