I mentioned that I voted, and they naturally asked me who I voted for. I said, “De la Cruz. Third party.”
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that?”, one of them said, and the whole group looked at me a bit puzzled — so I reiterated, “De la Cruz, a third-party candidate.”
“…Wait, there’s a *THIRD* party?”
Just a clarification, I’m not at all wishing death and suffering on anyone here. I am predicting it for a lot of them that are in the US, if Trump wins, but it’s not at all what I want. Not wanting people to suffer is precisely why I’m talking with you all. It’s not because it’s fun. This creatively backwards reception so everyone can get busy dunking is precisely the kind of big-brain thinking that leaves you all unwelcome in most places even on Lemmy.
It seems there is to be no meeting of the minds. I think I’m okay with that.