
pooh [she/her, any]

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The idea that white rural chuds completely control the food supply is laughable. The people who are actually growing and picking the food are the same ones chuds cry about “invading the US”.


I’ve never seen a video shot inside a car that has an actually good take.


You know they’ve lost the culture war when stuff like this starts popping up


Surely the crowd complaining about “cancel culture” will say something about this… right?


Therefore, we are left with some options that may feel uncomfortable to us. For example, we may want to consider leaving the Fediverse for another software platform that does NOT include ActivityPub. To explain, Fediverse/ActivityPub are very positive concepts on the foundational level. However, the Beehaw project is struggling to include this because most of our moderation/content/ethos is being jeopardized from OTHER federated instances (i.e. it, mostly, is NOT coming from within our own Beehaw registered user base).

Sounds like they don’t like federation and just want to isolate their own instance. Why couldn’t they just defederate instead of going through the process of migrating to another platform? Is it really that difficult to do?

EDIT: Thinking about this a little more, it seems like the admins (or admin?) have a very specific idea of the kind of community they want, and are getting frustrated when everything isn’t perfect to their vision, whether that’s lemmy code or other instances they are federated with. Then they complain and contribute nothing towards making the fediverse better. I guess what I’m saying is that they really do seem to want a walled garden that’s perfect to some idealized community that only exists in their heads, and I don’t think communities really work like that.


Yeah this is just setting up Ukraine as the fall guy. I still think it was really the US and Norway, like Seymour Hersch said it was: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream


What a terrible justification. So their reason for defederating isn’t hate speech or anything truly problematic, but because… We’re a socialist instance with socialist opinions? So it really is just anti-socialism then? It’s also amusing seeing people accuse Hexbear of being an echo chamber, yet it’s the lemmy.world admins going against their own users to preemptively defederate instances on shaky ideological grounds? Not only is Hexbear NOT doing this, but admins here even made a post encouraging people to act in good faith and follow the rules of other instances. Which instance is the real echo chamber here? Sure looks like lemmy.world.

Anyways, we have better emotes, better posts, cooler users, and a real community that helps people and does good things. If you’re a lemmy.world user reading this, make an account here and come on over. I’ve been on this site awhile now, and it’s actually quite nice.


Just going to throw out that the tankies at the… uhhh… US STATE DEPARTMENT have also said officially that there isn’t evidence for genocide in Xinjiang: https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/

If anyone calls you a genocide denier, throw out this one and see out they respond.


Maybe sometime last week I noticed nearly every political post had at least one long thread of Hexbear users that do nothing but repeat CCP talking points while waving anyway anything even remotely reliable as Western propaganda.

Just curious, are you old enough to remember the media role in the run up to the Iraq War? The US media spread outright lies on behalf of the military industrial complex, to a degree that made it obvious to anyone watching once things started to go south after the war was well underway. It may not be quite as obvious these days as it was back then, but that kind of media manipulation is still very common. These days, you also have direct social media manipulation on top of that. In my opinion, it’s a terrible idea to accept the media narrative at face value, and you should at least consider other arguments and try to dig into the evidence a little more yourself instead of just saying someone is a shill. I think you’ll start finding the reality might be different than what you were initially led to believe.

Also on the topic of media manipulation, here is a GREAT video that everyone imo should watch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E


Just to tack onto this, I got banned from /r/worldnews for a comment that pointed out Radio Free Asia is US government propaganda and has a history of direct links to the CIA. My post was perfectly civil and cited sources for all my claims, yet I was banned outright and no response from the mods when I messaged about it.
