Wheaties [she/her]
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:geordi-no: Players Shaming Devs
:geordi-yes: Devs Shaming Players
As someone else pointed out, his mind went to Chavez before the president who literally put Takei and his family in a concentration camp
nothing is funnier to me than a liberal who’s gotten ahold of the word “Reactionary” and thinks it means “in reaction to a thing”
actually, this site was made as a life-raft after youtube let channels disable comments and hid the dislike integer
one real base
But he said the launch also raises questions around how Huawei managed to launch the phone when it has spent the past four years under US restrictions banning access to 5G technology. “While access to 5G for the chipset is one thing, I’m not sure how the company managed to source all the other components that need to go into a 5G smartphone, such as power amps, switches and filters,” he said.
Love that America’s 21st century cold war is fully predicated on the assumption that China does not have the ability to develop its own productive capacity.
My kids want to spend real money on a silly gambling game, how do I address this?
By issuing currency, of course!
father of the year
You’re gonna have to explain to millions of women across the country why there is a national abortion ban and they no longer have a constitional, fundamental right to an abortion.
The democrats had the house, senate, and presidency when Dobbs went into effect. They didn’t even try to enact a legislative solution. Fuck off.
They said ending pandemic support would stop the labor shortage.
After that, it was to be Black Friday. Came ‘n’ went, and still the labor market was tight.
Then it was supposed to be last minute Christmas spending.
Then it was the oil and grocery hike.
It’s now May, and they’re gonna force pregnancy and parenthood on people.
But nothing will bring the dead back from the grave. The reserve army of labor, the most precarious and vulnerable people, are rotting in the earth. Killed by a medical system made gaunt and ashen by cost cutting. Killed by a hard bed of concrete and a frosty night. Killed by the great flows of money that cannot be paused, even for a single fortnight.