Wheaties [she/her]
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I think they’re self aware enough to see the irony, they just don’t care. Sort of like “the empire did nothing wrong” is a position of pure contrarianism - everything in Star Wars is a refutation of that statement and the people who say it know as much. Similarly, I gotta think people joining the US military at this point in the 21st century are aware of the reputation.
Yeah, that was… some disappointing writing. If I had to punch it up a bit, maybe Sisko was always just a guy, but then timeline shenanigans erase him from existence and the Prophets are like, “Hey, that was the one guy who explained this linear shit in a way we actually understood, bring him back!” and they end up grafting him onto every timeline. Like, Sisko retroactivly becomes the only fixed point in the whole Star Trek timeline
As a couple, they went on the Haunted Mansion ride nearly 1,000 times.
'cmon, by the 4th or 5th go round you’ve got to have memorized the whole thing - and the’ve been on hundreds of times?
In a scene from the The Rings of Power, Amazon’s lavish but somewhat unloved Lord of the Rings prequel, a mob of sword-wielding, scaly-faced orcs go at Sauron like a table of famished diners at a bloody steak. Seemingly vanquished, the wannabe Dark Lord pulls off a disappearing trick only to return as a misshapen tangle of black fibers, gorging on vermin and eventually people until he is rebuilt in human form, albeit unrecognizable.
who approved this for the opening paragarph