The tax applies only to individuals with at least $100 million in wealth and mostly affects hedge fund managers.
t_d thread:
here’s fox news trying to convince people that the tax will mean that if your home goes up in value, the government will take your house:
“This would be the most crazy tax structure we have ever seen. It makes Venezuela look normal. It makes Russia look normal,” Gingrich stressed. “That speech last week in Raleigh, where [Harris] outlined her economic plan, that was crazy. That was so far to the left of Bernie Sanders that Gorbachev in Russia would have thought it was a radical speech.”
Maybe the better solution here is to tax business loans? That would capture the scenario where someone borrows against their unrealized gains, but wouldn’t force sale of assets and potentially cause a feedback loop which tanks the stock market.
Idk just spitballing and also talking out of my ass
Tell me you didn’t read anything about the thing without telling me you didn’t read anything about the thing.
This doesn’t kick in until you’ve got 100,000,000 US buckaroos worth of net assets.
nobody’s willing to work anymore, the just want to take handouts
This would never happen
Half the top donors to the Dems are hedge funds