54 points

The point of rule 8 is explicitly and in no uncertain terms to weed out dreck, shit, garbage. Low quality bait, weird anonymous bigots, bad bespoke twitter opinions, etc. The dunk tank is a place for us to post garbage takes with the goal of deconstructing the brainworms or at least having some fun laughing at a moron. There is no shortage of bad posts on the internet, but just because you saw it doesn’t mean that we have to as well. The dunk tank is a place where we can punch up together, rather than all of us getting riled up every time one of us sees one of the billion bad posts launched daily into the digital void by random morons.

If you’d like to continue getting mad at random internet strangers, you’re invited to subscribe to /c/shitreactionariessay@lemmygrad.ml or just reply to the bad comments you see on other sites directly with your dunks.


I am once again encouraging people to use /c/shitreactionariessay on grad. Also, spicy hot poorly concocted take incoming. (This is not directed at OP but more people who hate Rule 8)

The reason rule 8 exists kind of bears itself out to me in shitreactionariessay: no harsh to whoever runs it, but the comm is just a deluge of crap. It’s a race to the bottom for whoever can dredge the dumbest and most incoherent takes riddled with slurs on the Steam forums or whatever garbage hole.

Now sure, if Rule 8 didn’t exist and thedunktank had this type of thing users could just block the comm, but: what if we just don’t have a firehose of garbage as a comm? The dunks are more fun when someone has a quasi-coherent position to dunk into the sun, the dunks are more fun and considered when you can take apart their brainworms instead of just another g*mer yapping or whatever. Low hanging fruit by nobodies on reddit or other places does not make for stimulating posts or replies.

To be very fair, I don’t see a lot of utter garbage get removed under Rule 8, this is not to accuse anybody of poor posting. I think it’s probably worth it to maintain a high standard of dunk anyway though.

14 points

s a race to the bottom for whoever can dredge the dumbest and most incoherent takes riddled with slurs on the Steam forums or whatever garbage hole.

Is this what the dunk tank was before rule 8? Is that typically the kind of content removed under rule 8? Or is it just normal dunk tank content which would be allowed if the number next to the text was higher? Be honest.

2 points

Yeah it certainly felt like that’s what the dunk tank was.

2 points

Well, I don’t think so and the person I was talking to doesn’t think so, so it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me to discuss the situation from that perspective.


Yes, absolutely. Dunk tank content removed under rule 8 (and even before it was formalised) is always some random irrelevant take posted by a nobody with no platform, of which there are literally hundreds of millions on the internet. I think the most notable posting we’ve ever even had to actually think about whether rule 8 applies is some small time twitch streamer with under 1000 followers who posted something racist on twitter.

The goal of rule 8 is and has always been to limit the absolute dogshit takes that random bluesky accounts nobody’s heard of, shitty YouTube commenters, or bad Facebook posts made by some random guy you used to work with 5 years ago.

The intention is to allow for the picking apart of posts made by people with a reasonably large platform or even vague association with the levers of power, without having to wade an endless supply of boring bad takes from nobodies in order to find something worth dunking on.

The rule has been explained multiple times, your disagreement with the rule does not make it unclear.

15 points

We are literally just wasting time by shitposting on the internet. I don’t see why we need to have any sort of standards at all. This is just mods being busybodies for the sake of being busybodies.

the_dunk_tank becomes a hell-hole of slop? Great, let the piggies feed. There are like 1000 active users on this site, it’ll be fine.


Thank u for ur service

9 points

The intention is to allow for the picking apart of posts made by people with a reasonably large platform or even vague association with the levers of power,

Why exactly does posting have to be praxis and how is making fun of an Elon Musk tweet praxis, im begging you to explain this


Didn’t there used to be a rule in dunk tank require OP to provide a well-thought explanation? What happened to that? That would improve quality.


No but it’s what shitreactionariessay seems to be. I acknowledge that here:

shitreactionariessay: no harsh to whoever runs it, but the comm is just a deluge of crap.

and here:

To be very fair, I don’t see a lot of utter garbage get removed under Rule 8, this is not to accuse anybody of poor posting.

I’m not in love with people asking me questions answered by the comment they’re replying to. Kind of silly having to quote Myself, 10 Minutes Ago.

5 points


Right, exactly. The questions were not a request for information but a demonstration of the facts so we can be on the same page. The dunk tank has never been garbage like the lemmygrad comm. This is because hexbear users are better posters than lemmygrad users and why I don’t want to go use lemmygrad instead of hexbear. If they implemented rule 8 on lemmygrad it would not make the posts better.


but the comm is just a deluge of crap. It’s a race to the bottom for whoever can dredge the dumbest and most incoherent takes riddled with slurs on the Steam forums or whatever garbage hole.

I don’t really recall Pre-rule 8 dunk tank being like this at all but I guess that’s just me

26 points

Damn, hexbears really love digital self harm.

You don’t need to share with the class every time you see someone make a fucked up take. Sometimes things are just better left unposted. There was a time when you would see some fucked up shit and then you would take a break from the computer instead of inflicting it on other people.


We do love it

27 points

It’s content we want to post and literally no mod has ever explained why rule 8 exists despite several users asking repeatedly. I see it as essentially the same as the “main” rule at this point, just some random bullshit the mods made up to remove more posts, and I treat it with exactly as much respect

The whole thing doesn’t make any sense anyway. The rule is against “low effort content” but low effort apparently means posting stuff that has low engagement and is therefore harder to find, and high effort is apparently posting whatever you see as soon as you navigate to twitter.com. literally backwards. Mods refuse to explain this


Rule 8 is to stop people posting every random dipshit with a bad opinion and it’s rarely enforced in any case

9 points

Rule 8 is to stop people posting every random dipshit with a bad opinion

Right. Why is it desirable to stop that? That’s what the dunk tank is for. And limiting it to posting only random dipshits with bad opinions who happen to have high follower count is supposed to improve the quality how?

and it’s rarely enforced either

IDK what to tell you comrade thats just not an accurate description of reality


Right. Why is it desirable to stop that?

Your contention is that the rule has never been explained, but in actuality its purpose is quite clear. You just don’t agree with it.

IDK what to tell you comrade thats just not an accurate description of reality

I post in the dunk tank all the time and I’ve literally never had a post removed for Rule 8

I’m going to say this may be a skill issue


The rule has actually been explained multiple times you’re just obstinate about it being bad. I thought it was bad at first too then it was explained to me and I realized it wasn’t.

Anyway this post wasnt about rule 8 it was about not posting dunk tank content in cth.

14 points

The rule has actually been explained multiple times you’re just obstinate about it being bad. I

No it literally was not. I know this because when it was introduced and several users said the rule sucked an admin or sitemod or whatever appeared in the thread and said “it’s good actually” and I and several other users asked why it exists and they said “because the mods decided it will exist and it’s not changing and that’s that”

They literally "because I said so"ed us

Anyway this post wasnt about rule 8 it was about not posting dunk tank content in cth.

You mean exactly what we all said would happen when the mods introduced a random rule banning popular content from a popular comm with no explanation?

  1. Rule 8 always sucked for being too vague. In practice, it just means “do not submit shit takes from Reddit, Lemmy, Discord, and Youtube comments. Shit takes from Twitter are only allowed if they use their face as a pfp. Shit takes from non social media sources like articles are fair game.”

  2. With election season (and the deterioration of Biden’s brain) ramping up, it’s going to be even more pointless because it’s going to be trivial to find a shit take from some journo. Like, we have some ex-Soviet spy unironically saying Biden got Havana syndrome on the day of the debate, and the takes are going to be more and more unmoored from reality with each passing day.

  3. The dunk tank is supposed to be a containment comm, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, once rule 8 was established, the low-effort dunks went to the generic comm, which is /c/chapotraphouse. /c/the_dunk_tank is posting slop, and it’s going to stay as posting slop. It had some potential of radicalizing other people when we used it to brigadeTM other instances, but the federation era of Hexbear is over.

I personally think mods should rescind Rule 8 while at the same time be a lot stricter about removing dunks from /c/chapotraphouse. People in the dunk tank want their slop and people who blocked the dunk tank don’t want to see that shit in /c/chapotraphouse. Everybody is happy.

I honestly had stayed away from Rule 8 discussion for a while, but this is just going to get worse as we move closer to the election. Mods and admins need to find a satisfactory solution.

11 points

heavy on 1. i get weeding out typical, unoriginal stupid shit, cesspool chud threads, argument chains, etc. but a lot of takes from nobodies are confidently wrong, absurd, whatever enough to be genuinely funny or even start memes here. the tommy needy drinky one comes to mind for some reason

Rule 8: The subject of a post cannot be low hanging fruit, that is comments/posts made by a private person that have low amount of upvotes/likes/views.

this is straight up like 40% of the site taglines. and you could find posts like this with hundreds of upvotes and no complaints

i could literally look through the history of the active posters here supporting rule 8 and find multiple past dunk posts from most of them violating it. and a lot of them would be bangers!


i could literally look through the history of the active posters here supporting rule 8 and find multiple past dunk posts from most of them violating it. and a lot of them would be bangers!

This is exactly what I’ve been saying. It’s never been enforced that strictly!
