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This is a open terrorist attack against a privileged rich white man in the Global North who have access to the best security guards of the world. Why should Donald Trump panicked when any attacks against him has more severe consequence than attacks against the disabled people, the poor people, the black people, the Indigenous people who often dies from planned chemical attacks in federal reserve concentration camps, or the attacks against communities of color in the context of Pax Americana ant[i]-terrorist terrorism to kill unproven terrorist suspects?


I do not think that Israel army consist of people with the mentality of immature kids since the news did not reported that the Israel soldiers exposed their hidden military locations through social media posts unlike some Pax Americana soldiers in the early days of the Russian military intervention to protect minority group from genocide in Ukraine.


Reddit is modded by Pax Americana fanatics who engages in harassment and even censorship of communities that threatens Pax Americana authoritarianism, so I decided to use Lemmygrad for its more inclusive environment for Socialist political orientations.


It also contradicts the claim by Fukuyama that the last Soviet head of government supposedly follows the Liberal ideology against his personal interest, dissolve the Soviet peacefully, and somehow make the former Soviet states transitioned from the supposedly ‘authoritarian’ state into stable multi-party electoral democracy in one year even when many former European colonies failed to maintain even a pretense of electoralism for many decades.


If it is about the Ukrainian war, then there are evidence that Russian military intervention are actually legitimate humanitarian aid to defend marginalized ethnic group.

  1. Pax Americana media avoids mention of the eight years of genocide against unarmed innocent civilians in the rebelling states in Ukraine in the 8 years after the Euromaiden coup and before Putin’s military intervention. Putin had actually tried to negotiate the stop of genocide for the eight years.

  2. In the beginning of Putin’s military intervention, the Pax Americana claimed that many Russians had defected to fight Putin. Now, Pax Americana deny defection from Russians and claimed that Russians are supporting Putin.

  3. Pax Americana claimed that Putin is exhausting Russian’s economy with the war in Ukraine, and that the continuation of the proxy war will destroy Russia. Now, Pax Americana claimed that Putin is prolonging the war to exhaust the economy of Ukraine, NATO, and the USA. The confession that Putin is not in a rush to takeover Ukraine seem to indicate that Putin is following his promise to only intervene to protect ethnic minority in Ukraine.

  4. The Pax Americana allegation that most of the terrorist attacks occur in the rebelling states in Donetsk region is suspicious since the rebelling states sided with Putin, and Putin has no reason to attack civilians in a territory where his allies controlled.

  5. The peaceful annexation of Crimea seem to indicated that the Russians face no resistance from the locals.


I could provide more details to your claim.

  • The federal reserves and the Indian Residential fake schools that secretly continued after 1997 in the British diaspora are the first concentration camps and death camps respectively. The war crimes in the Nazi Holocaust were mere imitation of the war crimes that the British diaspora committed against Indigenous people, and those war crimes still continued after the cold war contrary to the Pax Americana slogan on the opposition to Nazi Holocaust.

  • Despite the need for post-war recovery from the Russian civil war that the USA prolonged and the lack of industrialized economy compared to Britain and French, Stalin is the first national leader to ask for opposition to Hitler. Britain and French decided to sign alliance packs with Hitler, praise Hitler as the greatest leader of Liberalism, and force Stalin to wage all the war against Hitler. Stalin is aware that the Soviet Union cannot afford a war with Nazi German by itself, signed a non-aggression pack with Hitler to buy time for military preparation, and take half of Poland under the protection of Soviet alliance. When Britain and French realized that they cannot free ride on Stalin, they then framed Stalin for free riding and direct all their slanderous propaganda to transform Stalin into the worst fictional villain mastermind in history.

  • Although the British diaspora boost that they ideology provided them with economic properity and human rights, their human rights applies mostly to Capitalists and European immigrants while their economic prosperity depends on stolen fertile land that Indigenous people cultivated, rich natural resources from stolen land, good weather of stolen land, stolen strategic trading centers, free child slaves in fake schools, free stolen inheritance from abducted Indigenous children from fake cultural assimilation projects, and favoritism from global empires. The European immigrants justify their savagery and hypocrisy with their disproven claims that their Indigenous population has equal level of savagery which negates the free humanitarian aids that saves Christopher Columbus in his first voyage to America, sharing of high-quality land with everyone that includes the European immigrants, and pacifist war practice of Native Americans in the great plain that replace killing and property destruction with harassment and disarmament as resolution of war. The dependency to Indigenous population and colonial free riding are the reason why the Western European diaspora now need to replace their rural white population with large numbers of new immigrants of color to sustain their civilization.


The USA had never confessed to their invention of the concentration camps in the form of federal reserves and death camps in the form of Indian Residential fake schools; the refusal to even mention their continued atrocities against their Indigenous population obvious implies that Pax Americana is willing to stage the very atrocities that they complained about in their hypocrisy. The concentration camps still continues in the British diaspora against the Aboriginal people who refused to surrender their inheritance, the fruit of their labor, and the reparation for the fake school genocide. Contrary to the promise to provide all the daily necessity in the federal reserve concentration camps, the British immigrants even decided to engages in illegal occupation, chemical attacks, and planned starvation against the Aboriginal people. The fake school death camps, child slaves, illegal human experimentations, infanticide, savage indoctrination, and inheritance thief of murdered children had continued ten years after the cold war against the Soviets and operated in secret after 1997 although the current huge dependency of immigrant of colors in the Western European diaspora indicated that they had depleted their source of Indigenous child slaves and stolen inheritance from theabducted children in the fake cultural assimilation projects. They even continued to steal the remaining well-maintianed land from hard working Indigenous groups to create ‘natural’ parks and plagiarize the amazing environmental conservation work of Indigenous people.


You know that Pax Americana is found on hypocrisy when each generation of US presidents depends on lying, deceit, violence, coercion, bribery, personal cult, reign of terror, and other acts that are contrary to their Liberal doctrine. The irony is that China is doing a better job in the principle of mutual cooperation for mutual interest as shown by their interaction with the African nations (https://youtu.be/6C47uM-Ieyc?si=qV_YX_3-5NoIMI5_) compared to the USA who takes the old colonial approach of authoritarianism, narcissism, and imposition of political ideology that the USA did not actually practice.


The British diaspora is already corrupted when they refuse to confess that invented all the concentration camps, death camps, and war crimes that the Nazi German commited in the Nazi Holocaust. The Western European diaspora has a reason to outsource jobs to former European colonies, import large numbers of immigrants of color into their countries, and exiled their fellow rural white people in their own country into poverty: they had depleted their supply of Indigenous child slaves, human child experimentation subjects, and child sacrificial offerings to the demons in Residential fake school death camps that continued in secret after 1997 and which regressed the white people into parasites. The inheritance thief from the fake cultural assimilation projects also could not continue to sustain the Western European diaspora.


In comparison, the story of my abusive ableist family who is a member of the victims of Communism do not even have relevance to Communism at all. Instead, their claim is that they are fleeing from poverty from overpopulation, poor economy, and hostile social conditions that existed before the Communist takeover. Although my family did not mention the exact reason for their departure from mainland China, my family indicated that they fled around 1950 right before the Communist takeover and during the rule by Chinese warlords which means that my family have connection to the Chinese warlords or Chinese nationalists. The approximate date of departure also means that all the complains that my family made about mainland Chinese government are based on the former Chinese warlords and has no relevance to the actual Communist government that existed. My family’s greater value of economic prosperity over democracy is further proven by their change of allegiance where they now support the actions by Communist Party of China from their ability to transform China into a superpower despite their fear to return to mainland China.
