
mr_world [they/them]

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The game lets you become a god with the prawn suit. There’s no need for a gun.


I told him to log off. I told him to find friends in-person. He refused. When you have in-person leftist friends, it’s harder to hold onto the brainworms because there are actual social consequences other than being banned (which you can get around by making alts). It’s why isolation can be a problem for leftists and why you have to work on your social anxiety. Though I suspect some of the anxiety he was experiencing was caused by feelings of being a bad leftist if exposed to other leftists. They would have found him out, pushed him into confronting his brainworms, and then he would have had a meltdown like this. That’s really what the fear was, not talking to other people.

Don’t isolate yourselves. Seek others.


I know what Kohls you used to work at. You let it slip once and I live in the same city you do. I just never said anything because I don’t want to dox myself. I’m sure you deleted it by now.

If a hexbear can be this close to you in physical proximity by accident, then getting to know people irl has hope. If you think I would bully you for interrupting me or something, you’re wrong. But you miss the chance to meet people who share a condition or interests with you by writing it all off as you don’t care. It’s a numbers game. Yes, most people here are chuds. But eventually you’ll find others like you. That’s why it takes time and work to make friends. You have to get past all the wrong answers to find the right one.

Being able to find one another and reach others is what makes us stronger socialists. I mean it’s called "social"ism for a reason. It’s not “alienated by myself because I don’t care” ism.


How are you going to develop those skills of patience and conversing by avoiding it outside of obligations? Like what kind of medicine do you think you’re going to take that will just make it go away and that you’ll never have the problem again?

This shit is a process, speaking from experience. It’s not going to be comfortable for a while, no matter what meds you’re on or what CBT you go through. CBT will just have you practice talking to people. They’re going to tell you to touch grass. The meds will manage the physical symptoms of anxiety, but it doesn’t make anxiety go away.

I just don’t know what you think needs to happen before you’re ready to confront this issue. You’re never going to be ready. So get that idea out of your head right now. And it’ll probably never go away completely. So you either move or just stew in a dark room the rest of your life which will 100% make your condition worse (again, speaking from experience).

The real argument here isn’t that you can’t use reddit. The real argument is shooting down the idea that you can only socialize online or you’ll die. That’s the real thing separating you from people.

Also, who cares what we say? You’re not actually beholden to our opinion.


But you don’t find it tedious to talk to people you just said you need reddit to talk to people. You’re talking to people right now. I’m a people.


But what if you found people in-person who could answer your questions and help you out so that you don’t have to rely on internet strangers?


JP is the guy who resigned from his job at a university and cited cancel culture in his resignation letter. Like he voluntarily left but he wanted to be fired so badly. They just never gave him what he wanted. This is probably what he wants so he can spend the next year or so touring on being banned from twitter.


Bitcoin prices are about to drop again because markets are closed for the holiday. The only way to make money on Monday will be to sell your crypto holdings. If prices drop below $18k, this whole Elon Musk problem might take care of itself.


I used to buy good Christian capacitors. But now I see that RadioShack only has capacity for satan.


So basically, the EPA had authority over the reduction of pollution but now they’re trying to curb emissions via lowering production. You can tell a power plant to not dump coal ash in a river but you can’t tell them to turn down the generators in order to lower CO2 emissions.

Sounds like the key here would be to designate CO2 as a pollutant. Which rings a memory for me, didn’t we just go through a little thing a month or so ago about classifying CO2 as pollution? So someone already had the tip that this was coming down the pipe and they front-loaded the discourse.

Of course they’ll never accept the argument that CO2 is a pollutant. If they did, it would open up regulation on everything that produces it. The last thing the energy and meat sectors want is a path to regulation like that. Once you do CO2 then methane is next. Then there goes AOC green new deal hamburgers Stalin.
