
iridaniotter [she/her, they/them]

119 posts • 4.7K comments

I’m a communist 😈

Direct message

Normal/Fairy cause I’m gay and trans but like in a boring way.


To me, “can men be feminists” is such a strange thing to ask cause even the most man-hating, gender essentialist radical feminist theorist that I can think of said there could be a men’s auxiliary to the movement.

And yeah essentialism is such a strategic dead-end even if we ignore all the theoretical reasons why it’s wrong. If “maleness” is innate, then the only way to overthrow male supremacy is an armed revolution by oppressed genders followed by the genocide of men… Almost no one wants this. So instead gender essentialist TE"RF"s and other liberal feminists just tacitly accept eternal male supremacy.

Even if you are a cishet man, for instance, if you are emotional and sensitive, you are being put down for being that way because of patriarchy.

Yeah patriarchy enforces a lot of limitations to behavior. Of course most people would have a better time post-patriarchy. But then you have to fight for the feminist revolution, which is a lot of work for something that might not happen, so might as well appreciate the privileges the system gives you. Idk, I think there’s some similarity here with the petty bourgeoisie going for fascism instead of communism when they become downwardly mobile. Also a similar thing with settlers.

on the rare one-off occasions in which we are directly brought up, intersectionality will, ironically enough, be called a “divisive distraction,” and in some instances, people like me are met with mask-off bigotry.

The state of the feminist movement right now is… Not good


But you also, allegedly, have Wisconscom


Somewhat relevant article: https://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2024/june/kate-manne/future-misogyny#mtr

Misogyny, as I define it, is hostility and hatred faced by girls and women that serves to police and enforce patriarchal norms and expectations.

The newspapers of course also engage in this policing.

It is this same patriarchal ideology that results in men, typically privileged men, murdering their children as well as their wives when he suffers a loss of income or reputation or family unity. These crimes, known as “family annihilations”, happen more than once a week on average in the United States, and are also not uncommon in Australia.

they are unified by the sense that they deserve the social and sexual services of girls and women, and are entitled to lash out or take their “due” when they feel deprived – because she’s leaving, or his family is crumbling, or her presumed sexual consent is not in fact forthcoming.

a phenomenon I call “himpathy”: where men who commit acts of misogynistic violence receive disproportionate and undue sympathy and concern as compared with their female victims.

Thankfully not being done with this story. It is, however, being used as apologia for the rapist the Dutch are sending to the Olympics…


In honor of current twitter trans discourse:

CW: a lot of text, transphobia

BRIDGET — “Um…Sorry…But I can’t keep coming to the reading group. I’m leaving the country next month…”

LOGIC [Easy: Success] — Bridget was born to an aristrocratic family in Sur-la-Clef. She’s probably moving back in with them.

RHETORIC — Trans-sexuals are supposed to be our comrades-in-arms. They’re supposed to put their lives on the line to fight the “class war,” not flee when things suddenly get too tough!

LOGIC — She’s an aristocrat. An Occidental settler. Of course she flees when life becomes slightly more difficult.

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Legendary: Success] — For every reál a typical Revacholian worker makes, a trans-sexual woman makes only sixty centims. The poverty rate of trans-sexual adults is twenty-nine percent. Six hundred and twenty bills that target trans-sexuals have been considered this year within the Coalition, making this year the fifth consecutive record-breaking year. In terms of gendered oppression, trans-sexual women are the women of women.

LOGIC — Hold up. Leaving the country requires a passport and a lot of money. Any trans-sexuals that are fleeing can’t be that poor.

SHIVERS [Godly: Success] — Two blocks south from the Bank of the World building stands the Tricentennial headquarters. A computer engineer sits alone in her office on the fifteenth floor. Scattered papers and piles of tapes adorn her desk.

VISUAL CALCULUS [Impossible: Success] — Her bangs obscure a very subtle widow’s peak, and the slight contraction of her neck muscles suggests she is raising her laryngeal protuberance to make it appear smaller. You can’t know for certain, but this may well be an underground trans-sexual.

LOGIC — She’s far too pretty to be a trans-sexual. You’re over-analyzing her.

PERCEPTION [Medium: Success] — There’s a pretty trans-sexual right in front of you, idiot!

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Trivial: Success] — After months of psychological review, a trans-sexual woman diagnosed with sexual incongruence disorder may be prescribed estradiol and a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist in order to cause feminization of the face and body. Finasteride and facial feminization surgery can also reverse masculinization of the hairline and skull.

REACTION SPEED — Facial feminization surgery? You’ve looked into that. It costs tens of thousands.

LOGIC — You could buy a Fevre with that money. A member of the working class could never afford it.

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] — “Innocence of Capital” argues that communists must possess as little capital as possible in order to keep their thinking uncorrupted by it.

LOGIC — Ergo, trans-sexuals who have had surgery cannot be working class.

BRIDGET — “So…yeah. Does anyone have any questions?”

PERCEPTION — Entire minutes have passed since Bridget said she was leaving the country. You have no idea what else was said.

RHETORIC — She’s not coming back. This is your last chance to ask any questions about the trans-sexual underground.

YOU — (Whisper.) “Are trans-sexuals bourgeois?”


I didn’t really get The People’s Joker either so you’re not alone there.


Weird/funny thing about transitioning: You know how some people like wearing masks cause it hides their face, letting them pass better? Well HRT has been very good to my face. So ironically, wearing masks makes me more likely to be misgendered.


A whole bunch of 80s anime are being remade. There’s hope…
