Pride’s over everyone! It’s now illegal to be gay again.

9 points

Fell into a rabbit hole where some idiots in Algeria are claimed a cis tiktoker is actually a trans woman, their proof is that she uses a fake name and her voice is deep, also that she has no filter when she talks. so she made a coming out trans video where she clarified that she actually didn’t want to transition and instead was shoveling snow and fell on a metal fence too, then the mfs used the video as proof that she’s trans. hard another hit from the “we’ll always know” crowd.


The first time I actively remember hearing about someone being transgender was when Kaitlin Jenner came out and did an interview about it. Interviewer asked if her being trans and attracted to women meant she was gay and I remember her saying no and I got really confused after that. I was super fascinated by the idea of changing ones gender but at the time I kind of decided that the topic was too complicated for me to investigate further.


I found it difficult to disconnect the sexuality vs gender aspect at the time, I found it weird that an afab would transition if they’re attracted to men, wouldn’t they only make it harder for themselves to find a man to date? Bad straight-normative thinking on my part and I’m glad I grew out of it.

Funnily enough 2 of my childhood friends are transmen who came out and transitioned after I lost contact because we went to different schools. Would have be interesting to share experiences with them when I was younger, maybe I’d have figured out my own identity sooner.

It doesn’t really matter though, I see lots of people on here who are transitioning or transitioned later in life and even though it might be a bit more difficult because we’ve been through puberty already, I’m sure we’ll all end up fine :)




Asking the doc for some anti-androgens becuase I need to win the battle against my body hair

20 points

:yea: I really need to actually try girl stuff in real life to move forward. Just thinking about it isn’t helping me understand.




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