
MaeBorowski [she/her]

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@dead@hexbear.net posted this in the other thread about this earlier today, if anyone is interested in seeing more examples of how vile this person was, and why they deserve a

I went through his tweets from the last year.


Advocating for violence against bicyclists https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1811572517519372463

Covid Denial https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1798482372008247663

No comment https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1797679831720829170

Zionism / Islamophobia https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1787644704131027346

Threatening to kill climate protestors https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1742956979381834233

Advocating for American civil war https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1737630849040785723

Transphobia https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1716879327613366492

Support for an American fascism party (America first) https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1715044435581390852

Zionism / Islamophobia https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1711001590163804208

Say immigrants to US should be sent to die https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1662973785245401088

Transphobia https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1659594821076385792

anti-abortion https://xcancel.com/Corey_Comper/status/1656718480719085579


I think Newsom probably fits that category, absurdly enough.


Oh, so $3.65 is what you pay for a single taco regardless of whether or not you have it delivered? If so, then yeah, that is

I maintain that if $3.65 is the total for what you pay for a taco delivered to your doorstep, then that is actually cheap. But maybe I’m just misunderstanding something here.


I don’t know, I’m kind of surprised anyone, especially here, would be shocked by this. In fact, I’m surprised the price is that low! It seems downright cheap to me. If it were just the taco you were ordering yourself at tacobell, I’d think “yeah, that’s pretty expensive for a single fuckin taco, but that’s just how expensive it is to eat even cheap food now, it really sucks and is wrong.” But when you add on to that the food is being delivered to your home? To me $3.65 is ridiculously cheap. It’s not just the taco anymore. There’s not an insignificant amount of additional labor that someone has to do to get that taco from the place its made to wherever you are, even if you’re close.

I’ve never used doordash. I’m poor enough that buying dry beans in bulk in person at the grocery store strains my food budget. But if someone delivered food to my house, even if it were just a single taco, I would tip them at least double the $3.65.


For sure, but it’s not even just chuds ime, it’s the majority of the US population that thinks the “further left” something or someone is, the more “liberal” it is. Even many liberals think this.

Similar to Angel’s story, a while back I told someone (an acquaintance I met irl) that I considered myself a communist and their response to me was:

“I’m pretty liberal myself, but communism is too liberal even for me.”

There were several other people present and none of them thought this was a strange thing to say.


If they’re not already on hexbear/lemmygrad, they should be. (Also, for those of you who like arguing with libs and don’t take much mental damage from it, your comrades in the trenches appreciate it when you join in and back them up. Be that on or even in the lemmyverse with an .ml account against .world… just sayin’)


Does sundowning coincide that tightly with the actual sun?

It does, yes.

The term is pretty much entirely about the time of day and how almost universal it is for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients to have worsening symptoms (and some symptoms that only occur) from late afternoon to early evening. Although it can be fitting and sometimes get used with a bit of that double-meaning in there that has to do with a person being in the later stages of their lifespan, a “sundown” of their life, that’s not where the term comes from or what it means. There are plenty of relatively younger patients (like with very early onset Alzheimer’s) that have all the usual symptoms of sundowning, like being more easily upset, agitated, even getting uncharacteristically belligerent only around that time of the day/night cycle. Source: used to do volunteer work with Alzheimer’s/dementia patients and their families.


I’m sure that is how it was intended, same for the sentence:

Ukraine has suffered from corruption, particularly in its armed forces, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

But the way I read it and I think the way those of us who actually know about what went down after the dissolution of the USSR, people who know what capitalism is, read it as “immediately after capitalists took control, corruption inevitably became rampant.” In other words, the truth of the matter.


The momentous weeks that come out of nowhere, changing everything, and their seemingly innocuous build-up over the decades prior?

We’re still in the build up phase for sure, but I don’t think it’s necessarily an on/off switch. There has to be a ramping up of the seemingly innocuous things in the weeks before the weeks where things happen.

This kind of shit does have a striking resemblance to those weeks that happen before weeks where things happen, so they could be the immediate precursor of things happening. But it’s also entirely possible that these past few weeks are not the weeks building up to weeks of happening things and things will ramp back down to a simmer for another who knows how many more before things actually happen. Regardless, I feel like it is clear that we no longer have entire decades where nothing happens. Shit goin be happening one way or another before another decade is out.


I am vegan. These threads always genuinely upset me because I see so many supposed comrades making the exact same arguments justifying carnism that we constantly lampoon liberals for making to justify capitalism and even genocide.

At this point, I am no longer surprised by the kind of arguments liberals make that are so openly and obviously self-serving but at the same time totally lacking self-awareness. But it is still shocking to me when communists who have seen through so many other lies do the exact same shit. I know we can’t expect “purity” and everyone is going to disagree with anyone else on something, but to me, this is akin to finding a group of people who are righteously anti-racist, anti-capitalist, stand up for the rights of BIPOC, and organize to feed homeless people but then turn out to be massive TERFs who would be happy if I were murdered. I just can’t. It absolutely wrecks any sense of solidarity I had.
