
2812481591 [any, it/its]

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Will the hurricane season cause the warlords to perceive Biden as having lost the mandate of heaven?


if he has a 6% chance of winning in 10 different states, that means he has a 48% chance of winning at least one.


Libs are literally babies. I’m so sick of hearing about this project 2025 stuff. “it will be the end of democracy if trump wins” and then you try to engage them with like “If this is such a big threat, does it compel the Biden administration to take extraordinary steps to prevent Trump from taking office” or “should they take any steps to hinder a trump administration, like dismantling security and surveillance apparatuses that could be used to target the vulnerable, or installing democrat loyalists with marching orders to hinder trump’s goals” and it’s not even that they think that’s absurd, they literally don’t understand how those things are connected to trump, day 1, flipping the switch to dictatorship.

I asked a big Democrat career state department guy who was shouting Trump will be the end of democracy what we should do if Trump none the less wins: engage in alternative or insurrectionary politics or just vote harder next time in a environment where he’s saying now it won’t matter. Guess which he said.


Orga from iron blooded orphans was ace. everyone else is straight and poly except for one unrequitted gay love.


The REAL male hierarchy:


The people of the United States of Gotham anxiously watched their TVs, the loud shriek of the emergency address system made them rapt in attention, unsure of what was taking place. The president was sitting in the oval office, like he had in many other prepared addresses, but this time was different. His face was smudged with unsettling white makeup, and his name placard had been hastily defaced with red graffito to read “Joe-ker”.

“People of Gotham,” The changed president began, “I have had the DOE fabricate 900 Neutron bombs, and scattered them in populated areas throughout the country. They are linked together by satellite, and if one loses signal or is otherwise disturbed, it will send signals to all of them to detonate. They will also detonate regardless of any action in 131 days, unless the disarm code, which only I know, is provided. there is also a duress code, which if entered, will immediately cause them to detonate. Don’t even try to torture me, Jack; you can’t know if the code I provide will be the actual disarm code.”

What choice did the people have? some still refused to be blackmailed and stayed home. some stood strong and voted for Trump, who had begun wearing a Bane mask and making threats of his own, though all knew were impotent. But enough people were cowed, looking out for their families and loved ones, they dutifully went to ballot boxes and elected Biden in a landslide. on the night of November 8th, The house speaker meets with him privately, begging him to put his code in now that he’s won. As his physician swaps out the IV bag of advanced dementia medication, Biden turns to Rep. Johnson and asks “What bombs?”


I’ve seen projects that count the confirmed KIA by name from social media commemorations,. and they arrive at like Russian 72k KIA, 68k Ukranian KIA. Russia does not have a 10:1 casualty rate.

Edit: I don’t know why we shouldn’t accept the named KIA projects as being an effective lower-bound estimate of those killed. if we accept around 70,000 Russians have died, and assume that there are significantly more russian non-KIA casualties than KIA, then not even the Russian MOD is claiming numbers that would be 10:1. Does the Slava Rossiya crew on Hexbear think there are over 2 million Ukranian casualties? in Febuary, Russia said 444,000 Ukranians killed and wounded.


as I was making some severely socially maladapted memes, I think I discovered this AI has been basically lobotomized on a handful of topics:

edit: sorta based doe:


Yeah, but the boomers were worse than the generations before and after them, and the contention between the cinquedea generation and the Maximilian generation for wearing ruffs with to many folds doesn’t compare.
