Like three days ago there was someone asking if stealing catalytic converters was based praxis. There’s like a whole genre of post here that’s like “Is making the world worse actually building socialism?”
This one
as far as I know there’s only one post that was so fundamentally fucked that it singlehandedly took down Hexbear
lest we forget the sacred axiom: “Closing the sub for a joke wasn’t OK.”
checkmate, liberals
The actual worst posts get removed and they had some of the juiciest chud stuff in them
The actual worst posts get removed and they had some of the juiciest chud stuff in them
The Mortal Kombat corpo fan (less a fan of the game and more a fan of the corpos that owned it) that wished me a violent self inflicted death because I insisted that employees making Mortal Kombat games shouldn’t have to be compelled to put themselves through traumatically gruesome videos and images to the point of needing trauma counseling just to make the treats extra just to keep their jobs would have been a great example to show but yeah that was all deleted by the mods and I lost the saved text on my old computer.
That particular treat defender had AVGN as an avatar which for some reason fit.
The girl reading this