So I bought a heap of cheap manufacturered soviet medals on Aliexpress, and I occasionally will let people in my org award them to each other for praiseworthy stuff. But now there’s anarchists in my group and they might find that offensive. So what’s the anarchist version?
I swear to God, this isn’t a bit.
The Disorder of Kropotkin (jk)
Despite it’s later formalised royal moniker, the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution), formerly the National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, is still an independent volunteer force funded by charity. Kropotkin frequently cited it as an exemplar of free agreement and anarchist organisation, and rightly so. Crews who risk their lives or other people who contribute significantly are awarded medals, with almost 2500 given out over the last 200 years, and many more ‘Letters of Appriciation’.
So maybe a lifeboat letter / medal?
(Yes, this was mostly just an excuse to talk about lifeboat history)
Honestly, you could just ask them. Let them know you hand out the medals for awards and put it to a vote if they mind it being an Order of Lenin medal or if they want something else or if they even care. That’s probably what I’d do. Maybe first let them know that the medals are meant as a just for fun thing.
Thigh highs and a copy of The Dispossessed