10 points

I know people are focused on the implications for the upcoming election, but I find myself wondering “Who is running the country right now?”

I’m guessing the answer is something along the lines of “It’s complicated”, which should be a completely unacceptable answer for everyone.

11 points

The idea that any of our presidents ever actually “ran the country” should actually be completely unacceptable. You think farmers can run an entire country? How about actors? Failsons? Sex pests? None of these people should be “running the country”. The country has a massive bureaucracy running it and the president is filling a specific role of making judgement calls and tweaking the roster of bureaucrats

5 points

My bad, I guess I should have written a 5000 word essay detailing the intricate workings of the executive branch instead of a simple shorthand most people readily understand.

I’m glad to hear the president isn’t actually important to the day to day operation of the executive branch. I guess I can stop caring who even gets elected.


This but unironically. The actually important roles of the executive have been divorced entirely from the vagaries of democracy (foreign and monetary policy) via the Fed and the intelligence apparatus. The machine is far too complex for an individual to understand let alone control, so these guys form cabinets of ghouls that basically tell the president what to do, and if he doesn’t, well… ask JFK.

Domestic policy is another story but even there the two parties are remarkably close, if you pay attention to actions and not rhetoric. Especially now with the 6-3 court it pretty much couldn’t matter less, anything that would actually help people is DOA

2 points

Is nobody going to point out that the DNC already had a primary? And that by replacing the candidate last minute, against the will of their voters, the DNC would be acting incredibly undemocratically? Do you want your core voting block to start voting in republican primaries instead? Because throwing out their primary vote is how you get that to happen.

The DNC had a primary, there were multiple candidates, Biden lost the primary in American Samoa. I voted for Biden, he won, if the party elite swap him out last minute regardless of what their primary said, why would anybody care to vote in their primaries?


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