
This is true. Especially the fanbase. They literally enshrine every dumb thing she spouts.


And no, posting a picture of me next to Hillary does not count as an argument

New site tagline?


Thatā€™s a pretty good one too

29 points

Itā€™s like it was written specifically to be.


heā€™ll yeah


Thereā€™s a concept in the philosophy of climate change called ā€œintervention responsibility.ā€ Basically, it just involves the recognition that ā€œx is responsible for yā€ is only intelligible if x has the power to intervene in a way that prevents or changes y. The upshot of this is that different kinds of agents have different responsibilities with respect to big, complicated problems in light of the power (institutional and otherwise) that they have: I have a certain set of things that I can intervene on as a relatively wealthy white guy in the Imperial Core, giving me a different set of responsibilities than a subsistence farmer in the global South. Neither of us has anything close to the kind of intervention responsibility that, say, the US President or the Chevron Corporation has though, because those sorts of agents have access to causal levers that neither I nor the subsistence farmer could possibly get near, let alone pull.

Asking ā€œwhat has the disempowered, disenfranchised left done thatā€™s more effective than the wealthiest empire in the history of the worldā€ is a category error on par with asking what the color blue has done to make itself larger than the color orange. Itā€™s nonsensical, because youā€™re comparing totally different kinds of things with access to totally different sorts of influence, and thus totally different responsibilities.


It is nonsensical. Not to mention delusional. She is chastising people who wonā€™t vote for biden and will blame tankies for a loss. Which is bizarre cause not even Democrats are sure to let him run. If they lose it is their making. But nah its the people refusing to vote.

Not to mention these people donā€™t care for climate change or anything. They just wanna handwave it away. At best they will say ā€œThird world does too much pollution, not our problem, sucks to suckā€

9 points

Americans buy big dirty trucks and oppose public transportation. They defend the existence of the multinational corporations that depredate their environment and poison the air and water. They eat the meat of tortured animals. They absolutely donā€™t give a flying fuck about the future of their children, let alone humanity. And you want to tell me theyā€™re not responsible? Give me a break. Old people are many things ā€” poisoned by lead, delusional, ignorant ā€” but innocent is not among them. Everyone who voted for Trump or Bush, everyone who failed to make the modicum of effort required to support people like Bernie, theyā€™re all to blame.

Never let anyone tell you that Americans didnā€™t choose this outcome. They did. It was presented to them, they were told the consequences and they chose it. And unless youā€™re a vegan who votes in every election and doesnā€™t own a car, youā€™re probably not so innocent either. My pity is reserved for the children and animals who will inherit this poisoned world ā€” the only creatures who are genuinely blameless.

8 points

Americans choose big trucks because they live in a society that incentives it. They oppose public transport because it is perceived as a hindrance. They do not do these things because theyā€™re evil, but because of the way society has been structured and the way their society describes different modes of transport.
Read Making Mobilities Matter or something else about Theory of practice

1 point

So to be clear, if I gave Trump supporters a tax incentive and some education, theyā€™d abandon their gas guzzlers and stop eating meat? Are you actually hearing yourself?

The social ā€œstructureā€ youā€™re describing is literally the manifestation of their will. Yes, itā€™s a self-perpetuating system, but itā€™s their system shaped by what they want.

You tell me theyā€™re not evil, and then point to a system responsible for making them evil. Unbelievable.


Iā€™m not saying Americans are innocent. The point of intervention responsibility is to pry apart responsibility in the moral or casual sense and responsibility in the ability-to-effect-meaningful-change sense. The idea that climate change is happening because ordinary people wonā€™t give up their SUVs and stop eating beef is wrong and deliberate misinformation on the part of companies and governments who want you to think that you bear individual accountability for the problem. Thatā€™s insane. The overwhelming majority of damage is being done by the wealthiest 1,000 people in the world, the 100 largest companies, and the US Military. Those people (and those institutions) bear the intervention responsibility here, because theyā€™re in a position in which changes to their behavior will meaningfully affect the global environment. Becoming a vegan or never flying as a consumer are morally good, but theyā€™re not meaningful interventions in the grand scheme of things, even if the overwhelming majority of ordinary people pursue them.

Consider the inverse case: white supremacy and systemic racism. Virtually none of us bear moral responsibility for this: we never owned slaves, didnā€™t design a racist oligarchy of a government, and so on. That doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t have intervention responsibility to fix it, though, because we can enact meaningful resistance to white supremacy in our day-to-day lives by being anti-racist in our actual deeds, fighting for the dignity and rights of marginalized people, and generally enacting resistance.

1 point

The idea that climate change is happening because ordinary people wonā€™t give up their SUVs and stop eating beef is wrong [ā€¦ because] theĀ overwhelmingĀ majority of damage is being done the 100 largest companies.

Exxon, Alphabet, Tyson are all guilty of pollution, but they only exist ā€” indeed, they can only exist ā€” because people pay them to do so. Americans elect the politicians who shield Exxon from consequences, they endorse the policies that enable the ownership of private jets, of mansions, of sports cars, of cruise ships.

Exxon is literally the manifestation of their desires. If people werenā€™t willing to die over access to cheap fossil fuels we wouldnā€™t be in this predicament.

You think Americans care that Tyson tortures chickens? Have you met average Americans?? They do not give a fuck! They love cheap, unregulated, dirty meat. They love cheap gas. They love big cars, big houses, cruise ships, and they will die to stop you from taking these things from them.

Itā€™s funny because folks keep saying this over and over: they say it at the polls, in voting booths, at primaries, and you donā€™t listen. Thereā€™s this fantasy that if only we could educate the 50% of Americans who are irremediable shitheads, theyā€™d change their minds. No. They wonā€™t. Only generational turnover can fix this issue. We wait for them to die out until we can outnumber them at voting booths. Thereā€™s no other practical option. Unless you have another pandemic up your sleeve?

23 points

trucks and meat are especially interesting, as its not by ā€œnatural inborn consumer preferenceā€ (a story you seem to share) they were chosen, just as poisoned water is not chosen.

i rather suspect if epa fined dupont/exxon to bankruptcy over their shit, they would get much more popular. small republicans popularly rebel against regulations not only because they annoy them, but they also perceive deep unfairness that giant corporation can poison half the earth and government will just eat shit over it, while their business become closed over something minor like improper engine oil runoff. And iā€™m not advocating exclusion of small business owners from it, rather large corporation death penalty over their shenanigans.

Its a confused mess (as projected onto political parties) because messaging by large corporations intentionally obfuscates and emphasizes different stories to different groups. Republicans were mega angry about bank bailouts, for example, until kochs hijacked the tea party, the anger was there to make them democrat voters, while democrats at the time were whimpering about the sacred markets

p.s. if you collapse into wild misanthropy, how can you be a communist/anarchist?

1 point

The EPA canā€™t fine anyone precisely because Americans overwhelmingly support ecological depredation and overconsumption. Read the political data! Almost nobody wants the EPA to ā€œfine Exxon into bankruptcy.ā€ A lukewarm slap on the wrist is barely justifiable to most Americans, who demand cheap gas, are falling over themselves to sacrifice the future of their children for cheap gas. Itā€™s a political demand yodeled from the mountaintops.

And you want, what, the EPA ā€” the EPA that belongs to these animals ā€” to fine the large corporations that also belong to these same animals?

That makes absolutely zero sense.

Again, the government serves those who give it power. For years this has been the voters of this country, and they have made their wishes loud and clear, repeatedly.

19 points

Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.

They donā€™t control the media either. They are brainwashed, disenfranchised, and overworked. The establishment has decades of experience manufacturing consent, and when that doesnā€™t work, they ignore the people outright. 70% of Americans want public healthcare and itā€™s not even in the realm of political possibility.

1 point

Correct. For all practical purposes, most human beings are just animals ā€” scared, stupid, and impulsive. You live in their world. They outnumber you 10 to 1. So vote in their elections, or donā€™t. But donā€™t call them disenfranchised. Thereā€™s nothing disenfranchised about those shitbags driving $70k pickup trucks eating meat at every meal. At best theyā€™re complicit, at worst little more than zombies.

As for the survey you just cited, try this. Put out a poll asking:

  1. ā€œDo you want to save the rainforest?ā€ My guess is 90% will answer yes. Now ask:

  2. ā€œWould you be willing to stop eating cows to save the rainforest?ā€ 2% might answer yes.

Thatā€™s why people elect politicians who act against their best interests: because their best interests and their ugliest desires often misalign.


major climate bill

Didnā€™t these ghouls put massive tariffs on Chinese EVā€™s and solar panels? How the fuck is that helping?

56 points

Well you see, Yellow Man Bad


China Red Fascism Uyghur Genocide 1989 :smuglord:

22 points

1989?! Thatā€™s five more years than 1984!

39 points

Didnā€™t these ghouls put massive tariffs on Chinese EVā€™s and solar panels? How the fuck is that helping?

Oh, okay tankie, I guess you just donā€™t understand how protectionist measures work, but thatā€™s unsurprising as communists never even understand Economics 101. They boost US industry by encouraging domestic prodā€“

Will these protectionist measures work? While the previous tariff measures did reduce the number of Chinese solar panels coming to the US (with an 86% drop over the 2012-2020 period), the billions in subsidies, from first Obama and then Biden, did not revitalise the US solar industry. On the contrary, the American global market share of the solar industry has considerably decreased since the original tariffs were placed ā€” from 9% in 2010 to 2% today. Meanwhile, Chinaā€™s share of the industry rose from 59% to 78%. Thereā€™s no reason to believe that the recent tariff increase will reverse this trend. Thereā€™s even less hope that they will help spur a domestic EV industry.


It is thus no surprise that while the US government tries to block Chinese EV imports with tariffs, US firms are trying to recapture the EV market by licensing the superior technology of lead Chinese firms! Ford (in Michigan) and Tesla (in Nevada) are partnering with Chinaā€™s CATL to make batteries. CATL says that it has structured its licensing deal with Ford so that it is compliant with ā€œforeign entity of concernā€ rules. For its part, Tesla already uses Chinese BYD cells in Germany; Ford and GM use BYD batteries. Even Trump doesnā€™t like the idea of a ā€˜great wallā€™ against Chinese FDI in America. Speaking at an Ohio rally in March, he signalled an openness to Chinese firms building plants ā€œin Michigan, in Ohio, in South Carolinaā€ā€”so long as they were prepared to employ American workers.


US manufacturing hasnā€™t seen productivity growth in 17 years. That makes it increasingly impossible for the US to compete in key areas, and Bidenā€™s ā€˜industrial policyā€™ will fail to deliver unless it can end that stagnation. Chinaā€™s manufacturing sector is now the dominant force in world production and trade. Its production exceeds that of the nine next largest manufacturers combined.


okay, well, look. itā€™s actually very unfair to draw upon the history of uh, 14 years ago. what really matters here is that china is 1984 orwell 429,024,902 dead in tinyman square mao killed 1000 billion ughyurs.


another post, another 72trillion banger

38 points

Libs always fucking do this when comparing their ā€˜achievementsā€™ to anyone who isnā€™t in a position of power.

We made this symptom of the problem 10% better while continuing and exacerbating the root cause! You activists and complainers havenā€™t done anything!

Perhaps not making the root cause worse is preferable.


Nothing shows true commitment to stopping climate change like blocking EVs and solar panels.


And no, posting a picture of me next to Hillary does not count as an argument




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