US ports are urging the Biden administration to reconsider a proposed 25% tariff on Chinese-made cranes, arguing it will increase costs by over $130 million and hurt their competitiveness. They argue there are no alternatives to Chinese cranes and the tariff will negatively impact efficiency, capacity, and the overall economy. The ports dispute the administration’s claims of security threats posed by the cranes.

You’d think the US knows that protectionism only really works if you have and are building industrial capacity.

Hm, today I will fuck with China by making building anything more expensive for us because we still have to buy the thing we are increasing tarrifs on

10 points

Critical support to Chairman Biden in his war on the United States’ trade competitiveness

8 points

💀 the fact that I see giant american flags on cranes has always made me think they were made in the US LMAO

The ports dispute the administration’s claims of security threats posed by the cranes.

These dumbass construction workers haven’t considered that since the cranes are so high in the sky, chinese spy balloons could communicate with the cranes and release a catastrophic cyber attack and cause 20 9/11s




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