Pride’s over everyone! It’s now illegal to be gay again.

Cracked the egg for good last month. Seeing a gender-affirming care Nurse Practitioner at the end of the this month. Starting on some voice training videos this morning. Cleaned out most of my boy clothes last week. Replaced most of my summer wardrobe with t-shirts that aren’t boxes and skirts that I get tons of compliments on. Living in a city with a great trans/queer community. The queer joy and compliments have so far outweighed the microaggressions by a large margin. And I’ve discovered I feel much braver as myself than I ever did as a boy.

After 40+ years of depression and anxiety, I’m discovering the joy of radical self-expression. Still a lot of habits to work through, but, life is good :)

3 points

Fucked up how my dad started balding in his 50s but me and my siblings (including my sister) are losing hair at our 20s

10 points

I think I’m making some progress with my voice. It sounded pretty good for a few seconds, and then I had stop because it was starting to hurt my throat. Now I just need to figure out how to do it in a sustainable way

7 points

found on blahaj




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