That’s one way to ensure that the country as a whole doesn’t progress past a 5th grade reading level.
Ummm actually sweaty, over 50% of Americans have a literacy level above 5th grade, which is 6th grade.
And I’ll do everything in my power to keep it that way so the communists don’t brainwash us
But couldn’t you put Das Kapital and the Communist manifesto through it for similar results. Might actually do wonders since most zoomer complain about how boring and difficult those texts are.
Iskra is already coming out with Kapital and Communist Manifesto as picture books.
Hope that helps!
I’m almost done reading Kapital, Volume 1 again and, damn, some parts are boring but they’re worth it. No one’s out here saying every book recommended is fun. People just have to struggle through the boredom.
The books are not that tough. Folks need to do their due diligence and read, not just read what other people think the text says. Let alone a stochastic parrot.
Ah I see they’ve created the “blue curtain” machine.
Jesus fucking Christ. A literal contemporary, along with Pound, Stein and Eliot, is known for his simple language. Just fucking read Hemingway. Just get an ounce of education. Just fucking shut up and dont talkt to or at me about AI anymore. I’m losing it. Fucking read or kill me. or yourself, or whatever. just stop.
This should be considered vandalism.
I would be so pissed if I was an author. How could you go and let this happen!
he’s busy guarding the gates of hell to make sure kissinger doesn’t escape