3 points

So the Democrat strategy of “I’ve already moved my stuff here so I might as well keep this spot” isn’t viable?? Who could have seen that coming?

Biden’s campaign is in tatters.

14 points

Then, in the aftermath of October 7th, he decided to deny the pretty credible evidence of Hamas’s mass r*pe.

4 . He is clueless when it comes to his public image, denying credible evidence of mass r*pe, pulling a fire alarm to stop a funding bill he didn’t like, and being very Hamas-friendly in a predominantly Jewish district.

“There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or r*ped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.” This is the exact quote that Bowman said in November. The quote doubt claims made by the Israel government, which has been known to frequently lie.

So the article says Jamaal Bowman lost because he pulled a fire alarm, doubted claims made by the Israeli government, and has sympathies for Hamas (which is currently the main liberation force for Palestinians)? So he lost because he was too fucking cool? Does he also ride a skateboard? Can he also do a kick flip?

Pulling a fire alarm is honestly one of the coolest things that anyone can do. Anyone who thinks pulling a fire alarm is not cool is a nerd who should not be trusted. I’m not saying you should pull a fire alarm. Just for one second, imagine the coolest guy in a 80s college movie. He’s wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, he’s smoking a cigarette in one hand while pulling the fire alarm with the other hand so that his friends get out of class early.


a moderate Labourist


we’re not having a violent overthrow of the state any time soon, nor should we (for obvious reasons).


Then, in the aftermath of October 7th, he decided to deny the pretty credible evidence of Hamas’s mass rape.

Oh, wait, you’re literally just a liberal zionist

what animates these fucking people? the types who are constantly like “look, i’m just a disinterested third party, i’m just calling em like i sees em. and what i see is that the arab dog must be brought to heel. if you disagree you’re just an idealistic child.” is it that existentially terrifying to admit that you have a specific political position?

8 points

Not interested in the article but he can lose because of two things


This guy went to school and got a degree so he could write a wall of text that amounts to, “guy I don’t like went against Israel and I don’t like that but I’m actually against AIPAC. Believe me.”

Seriously, he bitches about Bowman being “pro-hamas” and pulling the fire alarm stunt and not caring about his image.




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