Not sure how many people were around four years ago for the original drama, but was a banned user from early on the site’s history, and I’ve seen quite a bit of speculation recently that a current frequent poster in c/mutualaid is an alt of hers due to having a similar MO and personal details (such as them both living in the same city)

For context, u/storyofrachel was an unhoused trans woman, who frequently solicited money from the community and had problems with substance abuse. She eventually made a post bragging about scamming money from users here (I myself was one of the users who sent her money) and blowing it on drugs (with a picture of the drugs in question) and a

bunch of homophobic slurs (TW: homophobia, self harm).

She later claimed that her account had been hacked, which frankly I did and do not believe. She was unbanned but later banned for other shit which I don’t recall and am unable to reconstruct from the modlog and came back on a bunch of different alts, all of which were banned.

If there’s any truth to this, it is deeply fucked that this person is still here, evading her ban and scamming people four years later. As one of the people who was taken advantage of previously (and, possibly, again with this current user!), people should at least be able to make an informed decision with all available context. If we want this community to function, and I say this as someone who has sent hundreds of dollars to people over the years through this community, we should be able to guard against bad actors who are trying to take advantage of the compassion and generosity of our user base.

Edit: There’s an Instagram with both usernames on it, publicly available. It’s 100% the same person. Not going to post it because I don’t want anyone to get doxxed but yeah.

Edit edit: I’m going to go touch grass now. Anyone who is being willfully obtuse about why I made this post can read it again or any of my other comments in this thread

40 points

In this post please be aware of the hexbear Code of Conduct:

“Do not publish, comment, message, or post personally identifiable information about other users.”

54 points

That was always the problem with /r/snackexchange and the other real-world subreddits I tried to make. 95%+ of the time it works as intended but without some kind of extra safety step there are people who have no problem punching down or sideways. We were never willing to do top-down user verification due to the privacy concern but that was the essential step that we would have needed. c/mutual_aid is going to have those same pitfalls as the site gets larger, especially if people hear about this place before they do Hexbear more broadly.


I hate all of this. What a fucked up and sad situation.

13 points

Thats where im at. :(



lol, i always wondered what happened to her. i can’t believe A) its been 4 years and b) i never heard the story of how she got banned

her posts always irked me. even taking them at face value and not being skeptical of her intentions, i was confused at why the community kept rallying around someone who constantly sabotaged herself so much. she’s not someone who is ever going to stop using, because deep down she doesn’t have the desire to.

54 points

“Getting someone to stop using” shouldn’t be the goal of anyone here looking to do mutual aid online. There are specialized services that help with that and if you want to help people stop using go work with or volunteer at those services.

The goal here should be to keep people alive long enough to make the choice for themselves to seek the help they need. Assuming they even have access to those services, which many unhoused folks with addictions do not or cannot access those services for various reasons.

You aren’t going to get someone to stop an addiction by posting at them. All you can do is help them stay alive long enough to hopefully choose to find help

39 points

It’s so gross and protestant brained when people look at mutual aid and direct giving like they’re somehow morally responsible for trying to fix or control a person’s behavior. Like yeah they might spend the money you give on shit that won’t directly benefit them, sorry we live in such a sad, fascist society that one more good feeling seems more productive than attempting to get out of a bad situation. We’re just trying to keep people alive, not perform rehab.


I don’t ask for receipts when I give someone cash, but them not coming on here bragging about scamming me, calling me slurs, and then asking for more money is a reasonable ask, I think

32 points

Generally I don’t care how people choose to spend the money I donate to them, however if it leads to a loss of trust in our community and subsequently causing people more reluctant to donate, then it negatively impacts all other comrades who are genuinely in need of monetary aid.

On a side note, I wonder how Rachel is doing these days and sincerely hope that things work out for the better for her.


i didn’t ‘post at’ her. i politely ignored her and hoped others would wisen up and do the same. i only started passing judgement out loud when i found out 4 years later that my gut instinct was more or less correct, and she’d gone down in flames because of it

23 points

she’s not someone who is ever going to stop using, because deep down she doesn’t have the desire to.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around this issue. addiction really alters your neurochemistry such that you behave and think in ways you otherwise might not. Some people say your “true self” is revealed when you’re on substances, i.e. if you become an asshole you were really just an asshole all along, unlikely to ever change, and not deserving of additional chances, while other people say you “become someone else” on substances, not liable for your actions, and fundamentally absent from reality for the duration of the substance’s effects, and I think neither of those ways of thinking is exactly correct for substance abuse, anymore than it is for medication, especially given the variety of substances and the different interactions they have with our brains and bodies, which aren’t even consistent each time we use them, but highly dependent on stuff like mood, food intake, etc… Fundamentally, it’s a shame that someone took advantage of a mutual aid community, thereby decreasing its effectiveness. That’s really the heart of it. Whether she’s capable of change is more of a philosophical issue. u/happybadger made a good post in this thread about the pitfalls anonymous online mutual aid. You either sacrifice privacy or you sacrifice stability. You either make your users vulnerable to doxxing, or you make your community vulnerable to sabotage by bad actors. I’m wondering if there’s a way to engineer a resolution to this so you can get the best of both options?


ooooohhh i get it she was one of the bad ungrateful addicts see that’s why i always give to my local church because then i know they’re good people who deserve it

37 points

all I’ve learnt from this is if I ever need money for drugs I’m coming straight to this comm 👍

29 points

People on here are genuinely very generous, I’ve had multiple people offer to give me money for an eighth or a quarter of weed before when I complained about running out. I’ve declined because I think the money could go to people who need it more, but it’s honestly heart warming to know that there are people on here who would sacrifice their comfort just for mine, not even necessarily something I need




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Total Donations: $3,344.65



    1. Mods do not vet individual mutual aid requests. Donate at your own risk and hold each other accountable. If you see something even remotely suspicious, do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of a moderator for review.
    1. All mutual aid requests must go in this community.
    1. Do not request donations for funding anything explicitly illegal.
    1. Sending censored donation receipts to the moderator team is based.
    1. Moderator Pinning Rules:

    a. Moderators are strictly prohibited from promoting/endorsing/pinning individual mutual aid requests (especially those of their own) as this creates unfair post visibility and could therefore benefit more from that than the standard user. Moderators caught engaging in this behavior will be swiftly removed from the moderator board with extreme prejudice.

    b. Moderators are allowed to pin and crosspost to !main donation requests for large scope issues such as natural disaster relief funds and bail funds (Example) along with other crowd or moderator compiled informational resources pertaining to donating or volunteering (Example) so long as the utmost due diligence is done prior to endorsement, especially in the case of directing people to donate to non-profit organizations.

    c. Financial documents of non-profit organizations available to the public must be heavily scrutinized before moderator endorsement and links to those must also be included in the endorsement post to help the community make their own decision as to whether or not they should donate.

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