weekly thread yall, whats up whats new? come chat, vent, vibe

3 points

Was out late for a concert. When my friend and I got out and started walking, we heard what sounded like 5 gunshots coming from the area we were going to. We turned around ran back to the street we were on and walked a different way. On the new route, an older black woman was going to the bus and told us go be careful out here. I wished her the same. It felt good knowing someone was looking out for my safety, even if they didn’t know me. I can’t really explain it but that interaction made me feel like a proud communist.

Also side note, when we turned around a white guy was walking by and asked if it was gunshots, we said not sure but not gonna check and he said “oh it’s gonna be a fun night” with a smile. Like he lived in the area and was used to it. Felt a bit of solidarity there too, in the sense that he reacted unexpectedly (not frantically calling the police or hysterically groveling over how bad the area is). It was like he was just integrated in the neighborhood enough to know how to navigate it.

I dunno. Maybe I’m reading to into it and just processing the weird night.


Got invited to a dinner with the local indigenous group. One of the guys reached to grab the food before everyone else could and a guy just pulled his knife out and stabbed him in the hand.

The person who got stabbed didn’t even scream. He just winced and then apologetically looked away.


been learning my parents’ native language for a few weeks now and it’s going well! it’s so much more easier to understand and consistent than English too

but online translation tools do a pretty bad job at translating so i’ve been relying on online dictionaries with example uses of phrases i wanna “translate” but i’d rather buy a dictionary. but they are only available from their home country, quite expensive and not available online at all

10 points

We have office events where we’re encouraged to dress up in our culture attire and I’m always torn on what to do. On one hand, I’d want to represent Africa but I don’t know where my family’s were taken from, and we also have actual Africans that work here so that’ll be awkward. On the other hand, I still respect the culture that Black people built but it’s been stolen so much throughout the years that it’ll just look typical.


I honestly wouldn’t know what cultural attire would be for me, other than a hair scarf I guess? you can never go wrong with giant a Africa on your shirt or something, I get compliments on my earrings.

8 points

Ooh earrings is a good idea or just Africa shaped things. That way if anyone ask, I can rant about why I don’t know my culture.

10 points

Talked with my doc. Lowered the dose of my schizophrenia meds. I have been stable for like 4 years …lowered it already in the past. Should be fine. (Im not sure if I even need the meds tbh).

8 points


I’m still getting my CPAP machine. The study was delayed.




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Official Title of this Community: Ethnic Minorities and People of Color

Why is the title different?

We like to have fun here.

What is this place? A safe space for underrepresented peoples and peoples of color to talk, chill, and vibe.

What are the basic rules of the community?

  1. Follow Lemmy TOS and Community Guidelines. Non negotiable. This is the bedrock and mods will make decisions with this always in mind.

  2. This community is for ethnic minorities and people of color. This is a safe space where such people can freely discuss their struggles, insight, and thoughts without fear. If you are not, we respectfully ask you do not post or comment here. A future community will be established to allow for racial discussions with a mixed userbase. However, remember, comments here must still respect Lemmy TOS and Community Guidelines.

  3. Irony Racism is still racism. Racism is bad m’kay? We will treat irony racism and bad faith racist satire as racism. Will wield the ban hammer accordingly.

  4. No sectarianism: This is an identity channel not a channel for you all to complain about why XYZ isn’t the “one true leftism”. Take that to another place.

  5. Stupidpol is not allowed. Stupidpol is class reductionist. We are an identity community. Thinking like stupidpol ignores the struggles of the oppressed, their voices, and their need for unique support. Nothing says oppression more than someone saying that the identity you have is “not real” and that if you only thought like them you’d see what your “real” identity is. Mods reserve the right to ban users and content who promote stupidpol, stupidpol memes, and other class reductionist thinking.


I don’t look XYZ and/or sometimes I can pass as white so I don’t know if I can post here. Can I?

  • This place is for ethnic minorities and people of color. This includes those of mixed heritage and those who may be “white” but are of an ethnicity that is a minority in their area (i.e. Kurds, etc) If you’ve experienced oppression due to your identity that is not based on sexual / gender identification, you are welcome here.

  • Moreover, for our American audience, we have people from around the world who are “white” but are oppressed due to being a minority in their country. They are and should be welcomed here.

What can I post?

  • Anything you think is relevant to the mission of this community. Things will evolve over time.
  • Topics and things relevant to EM and POC.

Suggested Posts

  • [People of Spice]: Food recipes so others can taste your culture
  • [Theory]: Vid/podcasts/websites discussing issues relevant to identity, anti-imperialism, etc
  • [News]: Vids/podcasts/websites that talk about current events relevant to EM and POC

Community stats

  • 296

    Monthly active users

  • 176


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