“I have a high paying job at a reputable company because the college helped me get connected and my degree will push me to front of the hiring process for a few years, but I’m not happy :( so no it wasn’t worth it”

They also might not be from a rich family, have a huge debt, still have trouble getting hired because degrees aren’t considered experience by most employers for some stupid reason (they don’t want to pay for your expertise in other words so they’ll gaslight you into thinking your degree is worthless) and they might not have the connections because it is harder to connect with people who are way richer then you “We’re going out for drinks… Oh, you can’t afford it? Are you giving me the cold shoulder? Oh well.”

Education is important but it needs to be free and reclaimed from the rich. We need doctors, we need scientists, these things are all good and helful to leftistism which at its core is scientific.

The problem, like always, is capitalism.

23 points

This, mostly, I was from a poor family and the rich fucks couldn’t stand being in the same room as me, my grades didn’t matter. When I went for letters of recommendation the whole being transgender thing closed a lot of doors off and the schools I applied to for grad school were a bad call as well.

This country needs revolutionaries more than we need doctors and scientists, and I say this as someone who went into STEM. The conditions are no longer there for sound, sustainable science nor medicine.

2 points

This country needs revolutionaries more than we need doctors and scientists, and I say this as someone who went into STEM. The conditions are no longer there for sound, sustainable science nor medicine.

I wish we would just move onto the hard parts already. Tired of living in a collapsing world where nobody even gives a single fuck about anything.

Things will get much worse before they get better — but things getting even worse doesn’t mean they’ll get better, either. It just means people will be even more desperate and distracted with basic survival needs instead of organizing.

1 point

Right, that’s how it goes sometimes, the darkest step that looks on the surface furthest from absolution might be closer than the one that appears tranquil, to slaughter Hegel.

18 points
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19 points

Going to college and meeting rich kids that used tuition funds to go on vacation because they knew their parents had them covered always made me see red. Again as always the problem is fuckin’ rich assholes turning higher education into a private little playhouse that everyone else has to go into debt to step a foot inside.

8 points

El problemo es capitalismo?

13 points

As someone who went to one of the numerous “Harvard of the South”s, this was my experience almost to a T except I was more openly hateful to the rich kids so the lack of connections was mostly my own fault. It’s cool tho, met my wife because we both hated it there and hated all the shitty rich kids and now we’re cool commies so it all works out 😎

(the debt blows though)

11 points

They also might not be from a rich family, have a huge debt, still have trouble getting hired because degrees aren’t considered experience by most employers for some stupid reason (they don’t want to pay for your expertise in other words so they’ll gaslight you into thinking your degree is worthless) and they might not have the connections because it is harder to connect with people who are way richer then you “We’re going out for drinks… Oh, you can’t afford it? Are you giving me the cold shoulder? Oh well.”

You hit the nail on the head.

6 points

Every time I go to a rich college like that I and I see piles of designer shit just in the hall I am tempted to go radicalize the local pizza delivery drivers and start a crime ring for stealing from frat houses.

That being said tehnical defrees are worth it and Inam getting a city college one if I can. Simply failing through a fancy one would guarantee me a higher standard of living tho.

1 point
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