Remember, EM POC only!
Welcome to EM POC weekly, comrades. Say whatever you got on your mind! Someone piss you off? Something amazing happen? You just wanna talk about how you’re doing today?
Whatever it is, have at it!
When I’m in an Islamophobic sinophobic competition and my opponent is a liberal talking about how Muslims don’t recognize the Uigur “genocide”
Some ppl… yk, since the dawn of “Judaism ≠Zionism”, I think it should be mentioned that “Islam ≠Takfiri Terrorism McJihadism ™”, since the latter two are now supported by Western powers, for their own goals…
I dislike the western usage of “Jihadism” meaningless word, Jihad is an important part of Islam and by its definition, even secular groups like the PFLP are considered doing Jihad, but the way westerners defiled the usage of the word makes it seem like Jihad is the act of killing the innocent to establish Hijab Harem law or some nonsense. the last is called western backed Takfiri terrorism, Al Qaeda, Isis and their friends.
For those who don’t know “jihad” is the word for “struggle” in Arabic. We have jihad all the time on hexbear with jihad sessions.
“Sharia” is the same perversion. It’s just the Arabic word for “law.” “Sharia law” is nonsensical because it’s like saying “lawful laws.” Fox News loves touting out that study where they asked Muslim Americans if they support Sharia, which of course they do because there isn’t a person on the planet who thinks we should have zero laws.
I apologize for that… hence the trademark, but I’ll change the name for something more accurate