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It is true we have yet to hear anything bad about Pratchett; certainly it seems like everyone who’s met him has only ever had good things to say about him. As for both these writers’ works, I guess if you’ve never read anything else you would certainly find their effort to be decent, I can give you that much, I just wish they’d put some effort into their ‘work’.

EDIT: That’s not fair either; Pratchett churned out like a hundred books, obviously it would be difficult to make them good. I don’t want to be harsh, and I understand that he hardly had time to actually put too much effort into each.

5 points

Taking the position that someone who wrote a lot of books didn’t write good books is wild. Is it not Good Literature if it isn’t entered into the western canon and about starving to death in Tsarist Russia in a 500,000 word epic? Reddit-ass take.


Tsarist Russia? What? I’m saying he’s decent for how much he’s churned out, but he’s hardly anywhere near being on the level of some more famous fellow Western authors like Stephenie Meyer of Twilight fame, or EL James of Fifty shades of Grey. I mean perhaps if you distilled the better parts of his works he’s like an amateur JK Rowling (author of Harry Potter). If I was being generous I might even say he was inspired by Hunger games, but eeeh, he’s still not that good, but I do offer him leeway in that he tried and as he’s no longer with us, one can’t blame him for not being able to improve. If he was still around today I’d even be tempted to think AI had written some of that stuff.

5 points

My take wasn’t bad, I was actually trolling
