He called us very sweet and said our vegans are well-meaning but very aggressive
That was a shock hearing Hexbear’s name lmao
, you somehow believe cows in a barn is the same thing as THE FUCKING ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE
cOmPaRiNg tHiNgS ThAt sHaRe mAtErIaL SiMiLaRiTiEs iS IdEnTiCaL To sTaTiNg tHeY’Re tHe sAmE ThInG
I, and other vegans, are obviously not saying animal agriculture is exactly the same as the atlantic slave trade. The comment you’re mad about made a glib, maybe flippant, remark on certain similarities between vegetarianism, which carries a facade of prioritizing animal welfare by not eating their flesh, but still does incredible violence to animals without their consent at a geologically significant scale, to a law that sought to appear to be reforming a slave economy by prohibiting imports of slaves, while allowing the continuation of the slave economy. This is a pretty apt comparison imo.
Please take a few deep breaths and if you want to have a real conversation about this instead of yelling at vegans on the internet for comparing two similar but distinct instances of violence I’m happy to resume. Otherwise, please disengage.