Chapotony Chatano here, internet’s busiest hogposter, and it’s time for another edition of “Let’s Argue”, where we’re on the internet, we accept your hot takes, unpopular opinions, and tough questions, and we struggle sesh over all of them. Leeeeet’s, GO!
That’s interesting - not to diminish your experience, but I’ve felt the opposite. On the original sub I feel like there were a lot of users who took the whole “dirtbag” aesthetic too seriously and took pride in being a little overly toxic or snarky. I get that a willingness to be irreverent is one of the appeals of this space, but it should as a rule of thumb IMO be reserved for punching up, or for cases where people are very obviously joking.
Also, there were periods in the OG sub where sectarian dunking got really, really bad - I don’t know if anyone else remembers the bot that would reply “lol, nice meme” to anyone who posted the phrase “left unity”. That shit was incredibly cringe and toxic.
On average, I’ve found users on c.c to be more straightforward, sincere, and welcoming than on the sub. But that’s just my measly two cents - I hope your experience with the community improves as time goes on, comrade :)