
shipwreck [comrade/them]

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lol I’ve seen this so many times across Weibo and Bilibili by now.


To be very fair, they’re just demoralized at this point.

Trump was not supposed to survive that shot. He tilted his head for a second and the bullet missed. Literally just an inch and it would have blown out the back of his head.

Joe Biden said only God can tell him to step down. God has cast His ballot.


The action of a PR master in real time. This guy truly understands optics down to its core.

That photograph is also one of those one-in-a-lifetime shots with near-perfect composition (well, as good as it can be given the moment), and the bullet missed him by an inch which would otherwise have blown his head out.

So many things had to be lined up perfectly for that to happen. No matter what you think of Trump, that moment was historic and he just have incredible luck. Probably made a deal with the Devil or something.


Trump also came out against Project 2025 on Truth Social a couple weeks ago. At this point it’s all speculation.


I don’t think it’s a conspiracy, but if we want to get conspiratorial, there is a theory that JFK’s assassination was the Deep State’s (per Aaron Good’s definition) attempt to scare him into toeing the imperialist line, but they accidentally ended up killing him.

If this is a conspiracy, then it achieves two things: one, the Deep State takes out Trump (for wanting to stop the war in Ukraine, for example) if it succeeds, but if does not, it sends the message that they could repeat the same over and over again over the next four years of his term. Trump gets the message and will continue to ramp up the war in Ukraine instead of negotiating for peace like he promised.

It also gets Biden out of the trouble of being forced to stepped down as the presidential nominee by dissenters among the Democratic Party.

Of course, the shooter is probably someone groomed online like those cases of Muslim extremists, so it’s impossible to trace it back to the Deep State and hold them criminally responsible.


I don’t think there are genocide apologists but there is now this sentiment about how Punished Trump’s arc is going to make his second term so much worse, that he’s going to round up leftists and queer people and execute them, which intrinsically implies that as bad as Genocide Joe’s second term is, it’s going to be much much worse under Punished Trump.

If that’s the conclusion one comes to, then it makes sense for them to vote for Biden in spite of the genocide. It’s a logical and rational decision.


Unironically, Biden’s numbers could be boosted if Trump doesn’t play his card right and the Democrats capitalize on the threat of a new wave of Republican terror during Trump’s second term.

If Trump is as politically astute as he thinks he is, he will back off from the more aggressive fascist rhetoric and even switch to a more reconciliatory tone. He’s practically won at this point, and it would’t hurt his numbers to campaign on a softer tone.

On the other hand, if Trump does not hide his streak for vengeance, then it might re-mobilize voters to vote for the Democrats to prevent Trump’s second term again. Biden might squeeze out a win from this if Trump makes the wrong move.

So, one wildcard assassination incident has changed completely the electoral calculus.

Biden is no longer facing the heat of having to step down from being the Democratic nominee (all the criticisms about his poor debate performance are now thrown out of the window), the attention has successfully been diverted away from the genocide in Gaza, and instead he can now fully capitalize on the perceived terror of Trump’s revenge if he gets into office once again.

People who said they would not vote for Genocide Joe, are now having second thoughts about whether handing the presidency to Trump is truly worth it. In fact, we are already seeing an underlying current of this thought on Hexbear based on the comments I’ve read.


There are two phases of liberal stance when it comes to war.

Just like with the Iraq War, initially everyone is a bloodthirsty pro-war supporter, then there will come a point where they go “I’ve always thought the Iraq War was a mistake and never really supported the war in the first place”

We’ve now reached the second phase of the current war.


The American “left” has had 8 years to organize (starting from Bernie’s first presidential run) and not only did they choose to stick with the milquetoast soc dems, they also bet on the wrong horse (thinking that sticking to the Democrats would be safer because there won’t come a point where the electorate hates both parties, right?)

They have nothing to show for. They have no theory, no strategy, no result. And because of that, all the anti-establishment radicalization taking place under unprecedented crisis of capitalism is now being channeled to the Trump campaign. lol.


There is a whole bunch of trans/queer people who found r/noncredibledefense when the sub blew up during the early days of the Ukraine war and people went in there to support Ukraine and shit on Russia. They found the sub welcoming and stayed there for shitposting.

As with any community, the longer you stay there the more you become assimilated with their views. This is how you get trans NATO/Nazis. They’re kind of like the obverse of Hexbear.
