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That’s all well and good, I’m not trying to deny that those methods work, but booty was claiming that the article telling us this year is the hottest on record was a lie without any real clarification why he thought that.

So either he read the he only read the headline and wanted to feel smug about it, or he was trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation by saying it used to be worse millions or billions of years ago. I don’t really care which, the outcome is the same either way.


Every month since June 2023 – 13 months in a row – has ranked as the planet’s hottest since records began, compared with the corresponding month in previous years, the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said in a monthly bulletin.

From the second line of the article. Here’s the monthly bulletin they’re talking about.

Keep in mind that this is the global average temperature, there could be some places (like Northern Spain) that experienced lower temperatures.


Temperature records from thermometers and weather stations exist only for a tiny portion of our planet’s 4.54-billion-year-long life. By studying indirect clues—the chemical and structural signatures of rocks, fossils, and crystals, ocean sediments, fossilized reefs, tree rings, and ice cores—however, scientists can infer past temperatures.

From your source

June 2024 was the hottest June on record, the European Union’s climate change monitoring service said on July 8, continuing a streak of exceptional temperatures that some scientists said puts 2024 on track to be the world’s hottest recorded year.

From the article

We don’t exactly have records from millions or billions of years ago, so I don’t know why you think this article is lying to you.


It is, but when hundreds end up dead as a result you can still be a little critical about it.


It has, but every time a liberal decides they want to dissect it they latch onto some irrelevant distinction without a difference pretends they just don’t understand what’s being asserted.

So why weren’t those linked? Why do I need to read 5 articles that say there was a massacre, just around the square and not in it, written by or about people who were actually there, just to get to a blog post that links those same articles and selectively pulls quotes to try and convince me that there wasn’t a massacre?

There being a couple hundred casualties doesn’t make the event a ‘massacre’ and honestly I think you know this. Given that you haven’t defended the term but have only complained about discrepancies in first-hand accounting makes me think you know it’s an indefensible description.

If January 6th ended with the federal government sending in tanks and hundreds dead, but everything else about it stayed about the same, I would still call it a massacre, or at the very least understand why others would.

Oh look, you did the thing QuietCupcake was pointing out you were doing right after he pointed it out

That, and the fact that there really is no official number because China doesn’t talk about it and doesn’t want anyone else to either.

And you ignored the second point I made, that we really can’t know too many details about what happened. And yet everyone’s so certain they know the full story, and it just so happens to align with what the government is[n’t] saying.

‘I’m just trying to get answers so I can understand.’ Bullshit. You’re farming for vague details so that you can dismiss the broader point being made and keep your a-historical and politically-motivated description that was suggested to you from decades of red-scare propaganda.

After having read the articles, I’m more convinced now that a massacre did happen, it just wasn’t in the square and mostly didn’t involve students. Yet everyone here seems to want to say that there was no massacre at all, it was a government declaring martial law and putting down a violent rebellion with overwhelming force. I’m not sure that’s much better, but whatever.


Alright, then who was being burned alive? Because I was under the impression it was the military/police. Nakoichi is saying that they burned people alive and that’s why the military was sent in, but it was the military being burned alive, meaning they were already there.


Cool, so the unruly mob was burning cops/military alive, and that’s why they needed to send in the military.


Oooooooh, ok. There it is. You are just making shit up and telling us people are saying things that they aren’t actually saying.

Are you just going line by line and didn’t want to waste your effort on the first two paragraphs you wrote?

It’s almost like no matter which details from first-hand accounts you choose to go with

Some have found it uncomfortable that all this conforms with what the Chinese government has always claimed, perhaps with a bit of sophistry: that there was no “massacre in Tiananmen Square.”

But there’s no question many people were killed by the army that night around Tiananmen Square, and on the way to it — mostly in the western part of Beijing. Maybe, for some, comfort can be taken in the fact that the government denies that, too. CBS News

This reporter and many other witnesses saw troops shoot and kill people before dawn on June 4. But these shootings occurred in a different place from that described in the Wen Wei Po article and in somewhat different circumstances. […] Troops fired on civilians in many parts of the city, but the shooting was concentrated along the Avenue of Eternal Peace, or Changan Avenue, which runs on the north side of the square. There was heavy shooting in the Muxidi district to the west of Tiananmen Square, and there were also many casualties along the Avenue of Eternal Peace to the immediate east of the square, as well as on streets to the south of the square. NY Times

As to body count: I saw several people, young men, lying on flatbed tricycles being carried away from the square. They were inert and covered in blood. Dead or wounded, I have no idea. On the afternoon of June 4, I saw people fall on Changan Avenue as troops opened fire on them. I have no idea if they were wounded, killed or simply fainting.

How many people died that night in Beijing? What was the price of the years of superficial political stability that followed?

Most of the killing did not take place on or near the Square, that is clear. The official line, first espoused by Communist Party propaganda guru Yuan Mu a couple of nights later on national television, was that 23 people had died on the night of June 3/4. It was ludicrous. Nobody who was in Beijing at that time believed it.

In the weeks that followed, Amnesty International did the most thorough survey of the Tiananmen casualty toll. They spoke to everyone who could help build the picture. They questioned me at length in Tokyo, whwre In was already staying in a hotel prior to a move to Hong Kong to become Asian News Editor (a career boost from Tiananmen, perhaps?). Their report estimated 3,000 dead, with most of the killing taking place in the Muxidi district of western Beijing, where outraged Beijing residents — not students — tried to stop the army from entering their city. That number seems a bit high to me, but who knows? If I had to make a wild stab, from what I know and felt, I’d say several hundred were killed, but I have no proof of any number. Until the archives are opened in China’s next era and we can see the truth, surely recorded there somewhere, Amnesty’s 3,000 is the best outside estimate we have. REUTERS: Graham Earnshaw


those ambiguities only show us that even where things are uncertain and discrepancies in first-hand accounts exist, they come nowhere near to the claims of the massacre narrative

Apparently I read half a dozen of the wrong first hand accounts.

You may even be shocked to learn how many of those student were protesting the liberalizing of the economy

I really don’t care about this, the students weren’t the ones killed for the most part. They’re basically irrelevant to the conversation, aren’t they?

there are discrepancies in the exact number of deaths, which no one here has denied

Right now the biggest discrancy I’m seeing is that most of the people here want to tell me that almost half of the people killed were state employees, but that red sails articlesays the official number is closer to 10%. That, and the fact that there really is no official number because China doesn’t talk about it and doesn’t want anyone else to either.

But I’m getting tired of answering your homework questions for you.

You’d think that after a few decades someone would have done that homework and posted it online somewhere. But I guess it’s everyone’s responsibility to become an amateur historian to figure it out themselves.


Can you point out where you’re seeing those things specifically?

The “no civilians were injured” is coming from Awoo pulling quotes out of the links and “it was a violent mob that needed to be stopped by any means” is from Nakoichi. Both of them are my interpretations of what they said, only slightly exaggerated.

Here is a bit from one of the links already provided

First off, that bit isn’t from the link unless you’re summarizing it for me, in which case thank you.

But second, that article picks and chooses what information it wants from its sources even if the sources overall contradict each other. It uses a wikileaks source from earlier to say there were no deaths at the monument, but later uses a declassified document to confirm the death toll that says “TROOPS BACKED BY TANKS AND ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIERS BATTLED CROWDS 0F CIVILIANS FOR SEVEN HOURS BEFORE REACHING THE SQUARE SHORTLY BEFORE DAWN TODAY BEIJING TlME . STUDENT DEMONSTRATORS BEGAN TO LEAVE TIANANMAN BEFORE THE TROOPS MOVED IN; TROOPS OPENED FlRE ON THOSE WHO REMAINED”.

It says Amnesty International reapeats a bunch of lies and puts the death toll between 1,000-10,000 but the source it links as proof of this claim only briefly mentions Amnesty International, and says they put the death toll closer to 1,000 and doesn’t mention any claims they might have made. EDIT: also, your summary goes against the “official record” from China: you’re saying 100-150 of the dead were cops/military, but the article says “The 23 military deaths included 10 from the PLA and 13 from the People’s Armed Police.”

It goes to great lengths to describe the student’s movement and how barely any students were killed, but doesn’t dwell too much on who was killed, and what their motivations might have been, why they were so willing to set fire to vehicles and put their lives on the line.


How is an unarmed person violence?

Because that person is a cop or military member ordered there by the state specifically to oppose a protest.

Genuinely, what violence were they engaging in if a bunch of liberal students burned them alive without dying?

I don’t know what you think happened June 3rd and 4th 1989 in Beijing, but I’m lead to believe that plenty of civilians died.

Look up the pictures, watch the videos, Chinese police are very different than the ones we are used to. Think the old times type of dude with bright sticks directing traffic.

BEIJING, CHINA - 1989/06/01: Pro-democracy demonstrators sit in front of soldiers who are lined up, standing guard outside the Chinese Communist Party’s headquarters on Chiangan Avenue just days before the bloody crackdown on students and protestors in and around Tiananmen Square… (Photo by Peter Charlesworth/LightRocket via Getty Images)

People Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers leap over a barrier on Tiananmen Square in central Beijing 04 June 1989 during heavy clashes with people and dissident students. On the night of 03 and 04 June 1989, Tiananmen Square sheltered the last pro-democracy supporters. In a show of force, China leaders vented their fury and frustration on student dissidents and their pro-democracy supporters. Several hundred people have been killed and thousands wounded when soldiers moved on Tiananmen Square during a violent military crackdown ending six weeks of student demonstrations, known as the Beijing Spring movement. According to Amnesty International, five years after the crushing of the Chinese pro-democracy movement, “thousands” of prisoners remained in jail. (Photo by CATHERINE HENRIETTE / AFP) (Photo by CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)

Honestly, that’s not the vibe I’m getting.

Cops under capital =/= peace officers under socialism. […] while also recognizing that that isn’t the same thing as a cop protecting the revolution.

I’m actually not well versed on the topic as I’m sure you can tell, but are the people living under the revolution supposed to be able to have their complaints and desires heard? If not, who decides what the revolution’s goals and priorities are, and how different is it really from the life I know in the US?

So if we can agree that the secondary aggressor has lesser culpability then even then the “violence” of trying to keep the peace was self defense.

I’ve always been of the opinion that those with more power and resources should bear more of the responsibility in a conflict, but maybe that’s a naive way of looking at things.
