87% of people using their cars daily.
WTF!? That’s insane.
The great Umberto Eco once wrote some wonderful musings about the similarities between different then popular personal computer operating systems and different branches of Christianity. I see that’s now 30 years ago this year so now might be a good time for a repost, English translations and Italian original can be found here: https://www.simongrant.org/web/eco.html
“All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less.”
Your question made me curious, so I counted: the subdirectories in my home directory reach a maximum of 26 levels deep.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Quite a few eventually get released, Wikipedia has a long list of serial killers, just search that list for the word “released”:
Why is it so pervasive? And why does some of it seem to be ignored for literal years?
Considering that you know that these problems have not yet been fixed, you must still be using these products despite these problems not yet being fixed and there’s your answer: What would the motivation be to fix problems that aren’t severe enough to make you stop using the product?