I forgot what the numbers mean already
Whenever I hear “but how can the police be racist if there are so many black officers?!” I think of this line from NWA:
But don’t let it be a black and a white one
’Cause they’ll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showing out for the white cop
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
There’s a chance their stars take so long because they might be using click farms to manually generate them which would be harder for spam detection to catch compared to generating stars with bots and hacked accounts, since technically there are actually x many people actually giving you stars, they’re just being paid to do so.
US: Funds cartels which increases the illegal drug trade in their own country
Also US: Hands out ridiculously heavy sentences for simple possession and use of drugs
Also US: Uses the private prison system to profit off prisoners by essentially selling them as slave labour
Also US: Actively makes the lives of ex cons hell with little prospect for reintegration into society which only makes them more likely to turn back to crime and end up right back in a private prison
Pretty genius if you ask me /s
Also is it even possible to prove it at all? My completely math inept brain thinks that it might be similar to the countable vs uncountable infinities thing, where even if you mapped every element of a countable infinity to one in the uncountable infinity, you could still generate more elements from the uncountable infinity. Would the same kind of logic apply to sequences in pi?
LibreOffice or other open source office suites. Rich word processors, spreadsheet, and slideshow software are seldom thought about but extremely important in the information age, and the duopoly of Microsoft and Google would like nothing more than to see the open source alternatives die so they can take full control of your documents.
Especially if you use Linux as a daily driver: KDE, GNOME, XFCE, Lxqt, other desktop environments. Unless you know how to do everything from the command line, they’re probably the things allowing you to use Linux at all. Think about how much funding Windows or Mac development gets, that’s because making a full graphical shell and suite of up to date system apps is difficult as fuck and they’re massive codebases that require constant maintenance. One could even argue that their development and maintenance is a bigger undertaking than the Linux kernel itself yet most Linux users never think about them, nor do they have the backing of large companies like the kernel does because pretty much all of them use Windows on their workstations even if their server infrastructure runs Linux. And high quality graphical environments are absolutely critical if we’re ever to have hope of Linux being adopted by the general public and not just developers and power users. If you use Linux as your main OS and have the cash to spare, considering tossing even a quarter of the cost of a Windows license you didn’t buy to your DE of choice and do your part in ensuring that DE stays usable in the future.
Get used to it because Musk is effectively the president for anywhere between 4 years and forever.