
Grebgreb [he/him]

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Does this game ever go on sale for more than 3 dollarydoos?


Halo 1, Minecraft, Runescape, and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.


Uhhh the link isn’t bringing me there


Remember the time he cowered from a debate with Richard Wolff last-minute before going on to lie and say no Marxist would debate him?


My senior year history teacher showed us the third Zeitgeist movie which was my first introduction into anti-capitalist thought.


How do you view r/collapse? Aside from the doomerism and individualistic fantasies, how truthful and accurate is the sub’s overall interpretation of climate science? Sometimes climate change induces a conspiracy-theory-like dread in me but it gets worse if I really dwell on the fact it’s real and happening.


I was perpetually miserable and lonely living in a suburb to the point where I had suicidal thoughts in the second grade before I even fully understood what that entailed. Always disliked the status quo or the system although I lacked any way of critiquing it. Got interested in conspiracy theories but managed to somehow avoid getting into any weird right-wing shit thankfully, even though I did get very paranoid at one point. A teacher in highschool showed us the third Zeitgeist movie which finally introduced me to anti-capitalist thought and systemic thinking. After that I was in a weird place where I was anti-capitalist but didn’t want to side with the sjw’s; I would pretty much agree with any argument that was against capitalism but didn’t really understand anything else they brought up to be honest. In 2019 I had what I think was an anxiety attack so I decided to watch some Anita Sarkeesian videos to distract myself before moving onto other things that were more solidly left-leaning.

I guess for me it took the mundane misery of a suburb punctuated with two very bad periods and a teacher showing me the the third movie of a guy who also transitioned from an anti-religion viewpoint, to conspiracy theorist-like thinking, before finally becoming fully anti-capitalist. Fortunately I never really fell into right-wing thought somehow, just managed to stay in the “apolitical” both sides area.


Someone I knew since the second grade fell for the Peterson and Shapiro grift sometime after highschool. At the end of 2017, out of nowhere, he replied with a few very long emails with some standard individualistic self help before going on about how the US is a fundamentally good country with some rough patches or something. I don’t know why he sent this, we weren’t talking about the US at all before. I pretty much checked out after two or so more replies because he sent I think one more large email with similar topics along with a smaller one that I don’t recall having any political discussion in it. Regardless, it didn’t really seem like he wanted a conversation so I let it fizzle out.

We began talking again in late 2018 and, while it was rather depressing, it wasn’t whatever the conversation turned into last year. That happened next year where we talked over voip twice, well it mostly him because I had pretty much nothing to say once he began talking about how Japan’s current situation is due in large part to them letting women vote. It was awful. He wanted to voip again a few months later and this time he wanted to talk about how the sjw’s were berating some shit game on steam I think - he mentioned that golden god guy Contra and the Chapos mocked on the pod because he also had an opinion on the shitty game for some reason. I went through an uncomfortable anxiety thing which led me to seriously self reflect on whether this is really worth the time and effort. Honestly, it didn’t seem like he really enjoyed the conversations much anyways and we somewhat brought the worst out of each other eventually. Sometimes I think about reestablishing contact because in our last exchange it kind of seemed like he was beginning to understand how capitalism worked but without an actual support network it was wearing me thin having roughly half of my human interaction being this weird half-combative debate-like discussion where I had to attempt to refute the billionaire sponsored talking points without sounding too much like a communist.


Haven’t seen it but it sounds like some shit went down.
