Frank [he/him, he/him]
Nice try feds
Yaaaaay Kkklanadian nazi brownshirts.
At least there’s just four of them but jfc this is on the nose.
idk why they keep trying to make these guys work. Doom is the only interesting character in their stories. Now, an office comedy where DOOM is just trying to get through the day but the F4 keep fucking up his schedule in assinine ways that make him look like the badguy? That’d be hilarious.
what the actual hell? Why? Just why? Pokemon is only cool in video games.
The bit where she says “In or out” had a profound effect on young frank.
It’s very pretty. It was definitely watchable. Major achievement in CGI at the time.
A lot of the Colorado outdoors people I’ve interacted with manage to somehow be insufferable townies and aggravating tourists at the same time. These people don’t live in the mountains. They go to the mountains, like you go to a theme park, and then they leave the mountains, and they don’t leave any part of themselves in the mountains. They’re disney adults with 10,000 dollar mountain bikes, townie arrogance, and tourist ignorance. It’s really an astonishing culture.
That is a hot take, but I’ll allow it because they’re quite different movies.
I’ve written at least three essays here over the years about how the depiction of disability in Mad Max is way better than most contemporary movies and most modern movies. I’m saying this because I almost launched in to another one and I have a meeting in five minutes and I need to stop!