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Ah here it is. Watch as the liberal mind examines itself and learns nothing. Truly insightful.

This sub has really changed in time over the last week. I checked in after the debate, and people who questioned whether Biden should step down were directed and called Trump advocates and Russian plants. Now the sub seems pretty unified in feeling Biden should step down. I do wonder what the next polls will show on Biden confidence after this terrible interview.


Parent-teacher night just got a whole lot more interesting at the suburban school I teach at. Now I can finally teach dialectics to elementary students. If I can use it selectively, I’d like to not convert Tanner’s parents because it would be funny.


If you go strictly by the label, if worn properly and cared for, n/kn95 masks are usable for up to 40 hours (non-consecutively). There are many factors that can shorten their lifetime, like the mask becoming wet, damaged, and or soiled. The most obvious sign it’s time to replace your mask (other than 40 hours of use) is if it no longer seals properly. Performing a seal check is crucial. Here is an example for 3M Aura N95 masks.

There are purported ways of extending the lifetime of masks, though I don’t post any of those because they can cause a lot of disagreement. But I will confidently recommend not putting your mask in a microwave or oven to sterilize it.


Finally, a meme that speaks a language my lib Reddit friends will understand.


Thanks for coalescing four years of conflicting feelings I’ve had about the show into one comment on the geometric bear website. Shit. Like that is exactly what I’ve been trying to say about it to myself forever.




You can also bake sweet potato in the microwave. Just be careful because if you use the wet paper towel method because you can burn your house down. Tastes great though.


I didn’t have the mental wherewithal to advocate for myself effectively at the time.

I eventually ended up being prescribed Adderall, which I’ve been on for about a decade. At this point it’s sort of an as-needed medication. I feel like it helped me be able to strengthen my executive functioning muscles. It’s not that big deal if I go without it now. Like I don’t really take it in the summer because I’m not working (teacher).


This probably won’t be helpful. But here’s my experience.

I took it for about 4 months. 40mg daily. In terms of treating ADHD symptoms, it was ok. Kind of like caffeine without the racing heart or thoughts. It made me feel pretty emotionally numb though. Like everything was a little too placid in my head. And it affected how my brain prioritizes things. Like it made me feel calm when I probably should have felt a little bit anxious, like studying for an exam that I bombed or being late on papers. I could study and write papers more effectively, but I just didn’t because I wasn’t that stressed about it.

The worst was the stomach issues. My doctor kept telling me it was normal to have changes in my appetite and eventually it’d go away. It just didn’t really get better. I felt nauseated for hours everyday. I hated how it made my stomach feel. I had no appetite for anything. It sucked.

However, while I was on Straterra I was being treated for other medical/mental health issues. Those other treatments I was undergoing probably changed the Straterra’s effectiveness in some way.


It’s taken about a year for me to get those pancakes down. They are legitimately very difficult to make. And I consider myself a pretty good cook.

Carbs are something our oldest loves too. If they could eat bowtie pasta (butterflies) for every meal of every day they would be very happy, and probably extremely constipated.

Do you put some kind of sauce on the spaghetti? If so, try adding a tablespoon or two of flaxseed to the sauce. Doesn’t really change the flavor, but it might change the texture slightly. Or even try adding it directly to the noodles themselves.

Other some other of our carb/fiber combos are:

  • PBJ - Warm some whole grain bread (we use Killer Dave’s Goodseed), butter it (this just helps the whole grain become softer), add peanut butter (we use Smucker’s natural peanut butter creamy), use thawed frozen raspberries for jelly, bananas optional
  • Pita bread with tzatziki - Either make your own whole wheat pita/flatbread or just buy some (it’s not as hard to make flatbreads as you think, but it does take an afternoon), lightly fry in a pan over medium heat with a little olive oil (optional). The tzatziki is just sour cream /greek yogurt (you can make non-dairy sour cream by blending tofu and a couple tablespoons of lemon juice, or buy some, we’ve used Tofutti Sour Cream before) and shredded cucumber, add salt, herbs and oil to taste. Have your kid add the dill.
  • Blended sweet potatoes - Sweet potatoes are the GOAT food. Cook a whole sweet potato in either the oven or microwave. The skin should come right off when it’s done. Smash it in a bowl or blend it. Add oatmeal, quinoa, or flaxseed or some other grain of your choice if you want to thicken it. Cinnamon, fake vanilla, and/or all spice are good sweeteners without actually adding sugar.

I got some more but those are just off the top of my head. DM me if you need help.

We also have had success with a no-thank-you-bowl. We fill the plate with foods that our kid knows are “safe,” and usually add one food that’s more unfamiliar. They can put any food they want in the no-thank-you-bowl. It just goes in the fridge and comes out for the next meal. Cuts down on food waste too. They can of course take anything out of the bowl whenever they want. We started putting out just the no-thank-you-bowl and one safe food for snack time, and they’ll normally eat the safe food and attempt to eat something else from the bowl. Well eat stuff out of the bowl too periodically.
