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Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.

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I wouldn’t say that it is explicitly Anti-Capitalist/Pro-Socialist, but the Wiedźmin (Witcher for the anglos) book series has some pretty cool anti-imperialist vibes in it. It is actually extremely different in politics to the games by CDPR and is generally better than most Euro fantasy in its treatment of racism and nationalism. I think the author has some anti-soviet vibes, which didn’t matter that much to me at the time of reading, but I guess are worthy of note for many here. Books are on libgen in many languages, and the audiobook versions by Peter Kenny are very well acted.

I also haven’t gotten around to finishing Chernyshevsky’s “What is to be done” (not the Lenin one) but I liked it so far. It has also been a while, but Ramos’s Vidas Secas was one of my favourite books as a child, but only recently I learned he was communist. Not sure how that last one translates to English though.

Also since you mentioned Animal Farm, I’ve head that “Brave New World” is generally regarded as an “opposite day 1984”. Can’t attest for its quality though, as I haven’t read it yet.

Also Neal Stephenson has weird thoughts and I wouldn’t consider him a socialist, and his books kinda read like having a bad trip while reading historical conspiracy theories, but Diamond Age kinda has a “broken clock correct twice” aspect to it. Kinda like the “Cocaine-phase Stephen King” of sci-fi.


Just you wait until US newscorps start advocating to ban the entirety of lemmy and its source code from the USA.


communism good; capitalism bad; is that iffy?


“Cool argument, but this link debunks you. Checkmate.”

Edit: On a serious note, I think those two are breaking the main instance rule on spam.


Yeah, but I don’t think they’re trying. This is a tactic frequently used on forums like 4chan where they just flood you with copy pasted nonsense to waste your time and discourage discussion. They know what they’re doing and are acting like that intentionally, which is why I’m worried about this becoming normalized on Hopefully it dies out just like the Ukrainian counteroffensive.


Honestly, thanks for this. Seeing people around the world prodding more and more Ukrainians to go die and kill in the meat-grinder because of some misguided sense of nationalism for country whose language they can’t even type is truly a weird sight. And whenever some politician even advocates for pragmatic peace talk necessities like temporary ceasefires, they’re derided as pro-Russia. I think another solution you didn’t mention is also to petition governments to pressure Ukraine into letting more Ukrainians to migrate and welcoming those who come, specially the poorest ones (as well as migrants from other countries). There is no sane reason that men aged 18 to 60 who do not want to participate in the war should be forced to remain there against their will, and if Germany can spare the tanks it can also spare housing, food and language courses.


I’m no chemist but if you go very science fantasy you can maybe try and justify the lack of existence bit by saying that some specific microscopic lifeform is able to decompose the material relatively fast even in real-life inhospitable conditions, which makes the formation of fossil fuels very scarce. Probably gonna have to handwave a lot of the ecological and biological implications of that though. It’s important to note that even if fossil fuels were never abundant, there are many forms of fuel that are just as harmful that could also be used in such a world, so that would probably go into direct contradiction with the notion that capitalism is dependent on fossil fuels.

But there’s always the possible alternative that humanity never properly figured out thermodynamics and heat engines, and steam engines never got advanced enough for widespread use. That way things like metallurgy, pitch torches, pyres to the Outer Gods, Greek fire and other fossil-fuel-based fun stuff can exist, without any “Industrial Revolution” based on automation. In either case slavery and serfdom should probably play a very large role in your fiction as that’s usually the second favourite thing of the powerful classes after automation. I think capitalism is still possible in such circumstances, but a global capitalist hegemony would prove very difficult without the mass production of bullets and tools to maintain control of the colonies. You could even have some minor (compared to the current one) humanmade climactic events like the Roman Warm Age under such conditions.

  1. defend the usage of a Nazi slogan
  2. refuse to elaborate
  3. leave

You will be desperately missed, please don’t go!


They should really just abstain from literally any product that has the tag “made in China” on it, and any other "made in " for that matter. That includes most non-perishable goods available cheaply in the USA like clothes, electronics and household appliances. Also guns. I hope they don’t like cars given all the petroleum coming from scary Muslim countries.

But also the 8 hour workday limit historically was a demand and a victory of the First International ( section 3 ), so if they don’t like those foreign communist ideas they should go back to 14 hour workdays.


the linked tweet is some scary rhetoric too.

Ukraine will definitely be able to protect Europe from any Russian forces, and it doesn’t matter who commands them. We will protect. The security of Europe’s eastern flank depends only on our defense.

Ukrainian soldiers, Ukrainian guns, Ukrainian tanks, Ukrainian missiles are all that protect Europe from such marches as we see today on Russian territory. And when we ask to give us the F-16 fighters or the ATACMS, we’re enhancing our common defense. Real defense.

We went from “Europe will protect Ukraine” to “Ukraine will protect Europe” really quick didn’t we? Are Ukrainians now aware that they’re just dying to maintain an union they’re not part of? Can’t the all-mighty Europeans protect themselves anymore?
