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Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.

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Not sure about a “smile in your death bed” but there are roles for anyone to play in a revolution. Most people can’t have the energy (or free time) of a Lenin or Mao, but you can still join an union, party or other kind of organisation and do as much work as you’re able to from there.

Thankfully I’m able to help out in minor ways like that, to the best of my limited capabilities.


That’s pretty good, thanks!


Although I don’t think this is going to change the result (Trump is still going to win, USA will remain a stagnant imperialist country), it’s going to be very fun watching the chaos unfold within the blue party.

It’s not even clear if Kamala is actually going to be selected candidate. As entertainment, I love it.


Browsing reactionary spaces, seems they’re trying to brew the theory that the secret service purposefully let this happen, or though sheer incompetence. Wait a week and they’ll start saying the secret service was compromised by Biden.


Really funny seeing the in-fighting between the “civility and democracy” libs and the “trump is the worst thing since Hitler” libs right now.


footage of the shot, shots are fired at around 8 minutes.

He looks alright after he gets up, just a little dazed. Doubt he’ll die from this. Could even have been staged, but I recommend waiting for more info before speculating too hard.

Edit: some sources saying he was hit by glass shrapnel from a teleprompter rather than the bullet.

I can’t imagine a teleprompter hitting him from that angle, so it must be some other glass object (or, in the staged theory, blading). But it tracks with the blood pattern on his cheek that could be a scratch rather than a splatter. Either way, it’s funny how he’s immediately lying about “feeling the bullet” on his social media.


To be fair, he looks pretty good for an old man who just got shot. Didn’t even break character. Watching in slow motion it looks like the bullet meant for his head only grazed his ear. He’s gonna be fine.


Talvez seja só birra com o formato (homem sofistando pra chat de twitch), mas não acho que faz muito sentido não.

Se eleitoralismo é inútil, tanto faz competir no executivo ou legislativo. PSoL tá no legislativo em BH faz um tempão e só consegue ficar menos popular.

O exemplo do Leo Péricles é até bom, mas só porque é o mais extremo possível: fundador do partido que já disputou eleição do executivo federal e municipal (detalhe que enfraquece o ponto). O argumento fica muito mais frágil se aplicar por exemplo à Juliete Pantoja do Rio de Janeiro.

Um bom estudo de caso é a Heloísa Helena, que foi de quase 7% presidencial pra não conseguir nem ser vereadora da própria cidade.

E achei bem idealista essa de “se fizer isso eu entro na UP e ajudo”. Porque não entra em um partido e concorre independente disso? Muito fácil agitar por uma posição pra seguidores na internet, mas cadê entrar e fazer debate interno pra que a posição seja tomada dentro da própria UP?

Claro, ele não entra em partido porque não existe partido eleitoral MLM no momento. Pessoalmente, acredito muito útil usar a base e popularidade dele (e da Laura Sabino??) pra uma tática possivelmente pouco efetiva (mas decidida por meio de organização partidária) do que passar mais 4 anos esperando essa organização maoista se manifestar.


link to article.

I don’t think it’s good to normalise images as “news” in this comm. It is true this time, but is less convenient to verify, and could be abused in the future.

Biden has been providing some great quotes lately:

“I convinced myself of two things. I’m the most qualified person to beat him, and I know how to get things done,” he stated.
