Where to go?
Z-lib used to be good, Anna’s archive indexes it but they were doing it on a monthly or longer basis (I forget) so the newest pirated ebooks to hit the anglophone clearnet often take a while to trickle into Anna’s archive.
I’m pretty good at sourcing ebooks that aren’t available on the anglophone clearnet so if you’re looking for something that isn’t available on LibGen/AA/Zlib, hit me up with the full title and author and I’ll see what I can do.
I would like a copy of “From Prisons to Educational Institutions” (От Тюрем к Воспитательным Учреждениям), edited by Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky, published in the Soviet Union by the State Publishing Company in 1933 or 1934.
Before I send you on a potential wild goose chase, I unfortunately believe this book to never have been translated.
annas archive is my go to
For nonfiction libgen is my favorite.
My go-to is LibGen.
Anna’s Archive