Remember, EM POC only!
Welcome to EM POC weekly, comrades. Say whatever you got on your mind! Someone piss you off? Something amazing happen? You just wanna talk about how you’re doing today?
Whatever it is, have at it!
I hate when my distrust of white people proves to be right, lol. I’m at a new college (which is a PWI) and they put us in groups to do orientation activities together, and in that group I think I am one of three(?) non-white students not counting the leader of the group. Yesterday I was doing an activity with that group and I was the only non-white student in the group who showed up, and I had to hear this white person go on and on about how much he would have loved to go back to the Victorian Era because the dresses! The dresses, everyone! Like it was five straight minutes of this before I eventually got to interject that if I went back to the Victorian Era I would be watching my country get torn apart and looted by imperialists. The same white person then went on to make very ableist comments and took offense to me calling them out on it. Thankfully the leader of my orientation group, who was the only other non-white person in the room, stood up for me and made her apologize for being ableist. But yeah I think this person hates me now, and good riddance lol I’m glad that they hate me. If he liked me I would probably be doing something wrong.
You know, they could wear those dresses TODAY (!!!) but nooooooo their white ass wants to go back in time to the victorian era and shit
People were literally saying that in response and he kept insisting that “nooo it’s different”. I guess the dresses don’t feel the same without British imperialism destroying the Indian cotton industry
People were literally saying that in response and he kept insisting that “nooo it’s different”. I guess the dresses don’t feel the same without British imperialism destroying the Indian cotton industry
Without further context, I would’ve brushed it off, but Jaysus, to that extent…?
Tsk tsk, tis like a Wehraboo sayin’ “I only like Germany for the uniforms”
Speaking of the English language from the last thread, prisencolinensinainciusol!
[CW: Spiel Regarding My Feelings on Racist Backhanded Compliment]
When I anonymously mention my race online and someone says, “I don’t believe you’re black because you type too intelligently to be black,” I sometimes genuinely have mixed feelings. Like, on one hand, fuck you for being a racist asshat, but on the other hand, if you take away the backhanded nature of this comment, all it’s really saying is “You’re quite articulate.” Although, by the standards of anyone who says this, they probably have absurdly low expectations for black people because they likely haven’t interacted with too many in real life. Their idea of what a black person is might be more likely to stem from 4chan memes. For these people, a black person knowing basic math could be enough for them to say this disgusting shit.
I got nothin’, just glad katz are still posting in this channel. I think it’s a great reminder that the net isn’t just white dudes.