Please include a brief description of the nominated instance, why it should be removed from the allow-list or added to the block-list, and include a link to the instance. Off-topic comments will be removed.
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Remove SJW bc its full of fascists and reactionaries.
Also allow me to personally ban them if they cone back :)
That’s a big reason esp in regards to our lgbt and poc users who have faced racist and bigoted pms from sjw
I support defedding from them. They’re full of reactionaries. The name should’ve been the first clue.
I don’t support pulling the trigger before they do. I still believe in forcing obnoxious instances to defed from us rather than us defedding from them. That or getting their mods/admins to become completely unhinged reactionaries like what happened with Blahaj.
They’re very good at coming up with barely plausible excuses and hiding even when the mask sometimes slips. But, I know that their depth of reaction is far deeper than what they’re publicly displaying even considering that sinophobic Xi picture or how they purposely stole an identity of a popular leftist(?) user from Mastodon. I peg them as a full-blown /pol/ FS-to-the-JQ style fascist that’s very good at hiding their power level. They know they can’t go around ranting about ZOG or be openly transphobic, so they quietly prod at pronouns and put some sinophobic crap instead in order to test boundaries.
But the mask always comes off eventually.
Copy lemmygrad’s blocklist, we’ve already got the porn, nazi, and spam instances blocked
We should explicitly add beehaw to the block list. I know they’ve already blocked us, but I want to see them throw a fit over us blocking them back. It’ll be good dunk tank content beehaw has not blocked us yet actually, because we are and they blocked, so starting out not blocking beehaw could be funny
Defederate from The old must die as the new struggles to be born. Shrekland can stay though
Shit Just Works Programming Lemmee
I must say, however, I would not be sad to see us defed from all but the Grad.
Huge agree that programming(.)dev needs to go. Lemmee has tons of sucky users but has also brought a small handful of comrades our way. I’d like to see it go too, but I haven’t seen a single instance of anything positive at all from programming, just reactionary weirdo shit.
Simply put, I think we would lose a lot of bad and lose a bit of good from defedding lemmee, but defedding programming would lose a moderate amount of bad and zero good.