Ukraine isn’t fascist because it’s a mr. wholesome chung100us democracy
No far-right or neonazi organisations have been placed under similar restrictions despite responsibility for a string of atrocities and alleged war crimes in eastern Ukraine
Even before the war you could find videos of Azov guys on the front lines with the republics crucifying and burning people alive. God knows what they’re up to now unleashed all over the entire country
No, even back then accounts posting that stuff just about anywhere ended up nuked weekly, and now there’s a way huger pile of gore and atrocity videos from the region to sort thru. No thank you. Now I’m sure half the videos of people speaking Ukrainian while tying Russian dudes to trees and setting them on fire aren’t even Azov
first they came for the communists
anarchists are safe because their fighting for the Ukrainazi state…oh the irony…
They were already banned from participating in elections in 2015 after Maidan
stalin shouldn’t have stopped at berlin
A lot of comrades are afraid of defending the KPU because of ukraine fever. They support communists in other countries but are sheepish about communists in ukraine.
It shows a true cowardice and lack of solidarity. If you cannot show solidarity when it is hardest and you might face backlash, then your solidarity when there is no backlash is fucking worthless