I saw something about bringing your dog to a gay bar, but didn’t catch the end of it.

23 points

the one you’re looking for is

Taking a dog into a gay bar, saying “who’s a good boy” and writing down which guys react subconsciously

it’s all admin-side so we’d have to write a separate list for the public and keep that updated

9 points

Ah ok. Thanks!

14 points

They’re actually all served whenever you load the homepage–you’ll see them if you check the source.

edit: of course I remember about the angle bracket bug AFTERWARDS, so all the CURRENT_USER/YEAR jokes are lost in my compendium and I’m too tired rn to fix it

Part 1

“Home of the all-you-can-eat struggle session”

“The internet’s fastest-growing Pete Buttigieg fansite”

“A support group for terminally online”

“Please report for re-education”

“Welcome home, comrade”


“Robespierre Did Nothing Wrong”

“Welcome to the cum zone”


“Stay safe out there”

“The Dive Bar at the End of the Universe”

“Alexa, end racism.”

“Hillary Clinton is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself”

“Is your hate pure?”

“Mr. Gorbachev, hit these back walls”

“the revolution will be petitionised”

“Uh… you know… the thing”

“bodily function, laugh”

“I am once again asking you to sort your megathread by /new”

“Keep your vital essences inside at all times.”

“What do you mean podcast?”

“Hear me out… Heptagon Bear”

“Roll for Sanity”

“Italians Need Not Register”

“Y’all hear about cum?”

“The Leading Peer-to-Peer Toothbrush Confiscation Website”

“Ask Us About China!”

“the only good hellsite”

“Ask Us About Animal Liberation!”

Sharpens Guillotine

“You’ve Been Added to Another Watchlist”

“Stalin Did Nothing Wrong”

“The Kulaks Deserved It”

“The Romanovs Deserved It”

“The Landlords Deserved It”

“The Sparrows Deserved It”

“Death to America”

“مرگ بر آمریک”

“the wise man solemnly bowed his head and spoke: “there’s actually zero difference between good &bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron.””

“There’s no longer a dang CHEETO in the whitehouse!”

“THIS SITE IS HENTAI FREE. Lookin for it? Leave”


“who the fuck is scraeming “LOG OFF” at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never log off”

“i dont understand what this anime has to do with the interview”

““im not owned! im not owned!!”, i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob”

“There is no ethical cum under capitalism”

“Everything is fucked. Piracy is cool”

“Yeet the rich”

“…In Minecraft”

“One neat trick your landlord doesn’t want you to know”

“These CG bullet wounds aren’t doing it for me”

“Capitalism killed squibs”

“You mean that drug lord?”

“Yeah we’re anarcho-marxist-leninist-maoist-trotskyist-dengist-christmanists”

“More 👏 Female 👏 Drone 👏 Pilots”

“Fraternal Order of the Bernard Brethren”

“Bullying Works”

“Down with Cis”

“remember to fraternally kiss a comrade today”

“healthcare pls”

“where we cum once we cum all”

“belligerent and numerous”

“This machine kills fascists”

“Post hog!”

“Capitalism, more like crapitalism, amirite xD”

“Line go down”

“Officially endorsed by George Soros”

“Patent pending”

“Low energy raid!”

“No gods, no masters”

“You have nothing to lose but your chains!”

“Nye nye, uwu”

“A fascist worked out today, did you?”

“Listen, Jack!”

“Be gay, do crimes”

“social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism”

“Real possum hours”

“go to horny jail… bonk!”

“Hillary Clinton Fan Club”

“Kick grass and smoke ass”

“And where did that bring you? Back to me”

“Post Hog”

“Check out this dope-ass bear”

“Volcel Gang”

“Yesterday was the same, tomorrow will be different”

“:shapiro-poplar: alright as you can see, i just went shopping at home depot, you should do the same, this wood, this board, this magnificent piece of poplar, is now mine.”

“proud mod team of internet janitors preaching the values of communism and hrt (for those who wish to partake in it)”


“Hot take I know, but I don’t think the soviet union ever dissolved. When the US government says that they did this giant geopolitical feat to prove how america was better than russia, I treat it with heavy scrutiny.”

“You downbeared my post. Now everyone’s gonna be infertile, and the elite will take over and invent their fucking Rockies paradise.”

“I liked it but then I went to the Server’s page and saw it’s filled with Communist symbols, got terrified and closed it :(”

“line go up world more gooder”

“All Cats Are Beautiful”

“Ripping off Futurama taglines since 3020”

“Had to have high, high hopes for a living”

“A couple of nominally anarchist users here find reasons to perpetually express resentment, but I think this comes from them sympathizing too much with anarcho-bidenists.”

“Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”

“I sort of give up on podcasts. There doesn’t seem to be much good faith about podcasts; People are telling me to stop listening to these people (I don’t unless I click a link here) while simultaneously defending paying them large sums of money as good actually.”

“listening to a fucking plate smashing and being like ‘that’s real music baby’ to my slowly dissolving friend group”

“All they have managed to do is make themself sad. They are starting to suspect Karl Marx fucked them over personally with his socio-economic theory. It has, however, made them into a very, very smart person with something like a university degree in Truth. Instead of building Communism, they now build a precise model of this grotesque, duplicitous world.”

"I guess you could say we believe it because it’s impossible. It’s our way of saying we refuse to accept that the world has to remain… like this… "

"In the dark times, should the stars also go out? "

“They will single-handedly raise the Soviet Union from the liberalized stronghold where it has been resting, covered in ghosts and snow! They are the Big Communism Builder. Come, witness 's attempt to rebuild Communism in the year !”

“it is and you’re still posting :07:”

" needs to log off."

“A fascist posted today, did you?”

“Proud member of the swoletariat”

“like digg but leftist”

“Hide your toothbrushes”

“endless china struggle sessions”

“Should have been lib.rehab”

“We have hexbears”

“Keep calm and VOTE”


“ok guys hear me out, nordic socialism”


“Everyone’s a lib except me”

“pig poop balls”

“Is this a bit?”

“Shitposters of the world UNITE!”

“bear with us”

“It wasn’t okay to close the subreddit as a joke”

“All Bunny Cops Are Bastards”

“Official Community for the podcast Citations Needed”

“Kinda Nice With It”

“a line of dancing crabs”

“chapo? like the drug dealer?”

“Pokemon Go to the proles”

“Pokemon Go! to the polls”

“Hog Futures Are Up”

“This is me. This is how I win.”

“Ah, nevertheless,”

“We love to see it”

“…and I’m reporting for DUTY”

“God, could dad drive a car”

“We love our beautiful posters, don’t we folks?”

“Don’t blame me, blame society”

“Welcome to the machine!”

“I’m just here for the shitposting”

“Now accepting suggestions for today’s struggle session”

“It’s true. We’re turning the frogs gay”

“You’re welcome to join my expedition to go back to 19th century Vienna and kill Freud. The time machine is finished. We’re leaving on Tuesday. You need to bring your own gun and German phrase book. “Ver is der mommenfucken quaken doktor vit der kokaine habbit?””

“Every hexbear comment reads like AI trained only on the Tumblr accounts of 14 year olds with Stalin body pillows.”

“17 18 19 35 7 7 17 18 GREY 49 70 70 108 108 9 00 BLACK”

“What is workplace democracy? Would love to finally hear some socialist philosophy from someone that isn’t a goddamn Hexbear user.”

“Wear every downvote over on the reddit island of lemmy like a badge.”

“This is the last comment I’m ever making on this instance. You’ll never see my main account here again or this account ever be used again. I don’t trust the people here. Especially when doing some research and it seems that lemmy.ml got co-opted by lemmygrad and is slowly turning into hexbear 2.0.”

“At this point Hexbear is essentially co-opted by astroturfing terrorists”

Hexbear.net is like if Fox News was to create a leftist website. It smells so fake.”

"Man, I was all on board with this idea. Federated instances made so much sense to me. But it’s tankies all the way down, and it’s just not worth my time anymore. Hell, if the largest instance bans you seconds after you call out a tankie mod, where can you escape? Great idea, terrible execution. Everyone wants lemmy to grow, well, until the tankies are gone, that shit just ain’t gonna happen. "

“Hexbears are half troll farm, a quarter 4chan larper, and a quarter confused teenagers who just found out how many fascist regimes America has supported.”

" fully understands the core of international geopolitics. "

“everything under heaven is in chaos, the situation is not particularly excellent but nonetheless ww3 was started at a rave”

"I’m left. But what the fuck is the deal with “tankies” though? "

“I must confirm the sequences I have. Will pay $5,000 per hair obtained from HIllary Clinton. Payment after the sequence matches.”

“seeing a modlog with “reason: sent picture of a pig shitting” is the funniest thing I’ll see all day.”

“I’m a liberal, and I’m also a proud socialist. And so are you.”

“Just to be clear, this is not an invitation to discussion with you, but a warning to others who might see your comment.”

“hexbear? like the drug dealer?”

“I’m a good Maoist, I hate sex”

“I’m a veteran of The Culture War. Lieutenant Colonel in the 207th Hexbear Corps. I received a Purple Heart in the Battle of the Maid Cafe”

“Patrons at Miami eatery Versailles cheered when Donald Trump twice declared “Food for everyone!” during a surprise stop at the Little Havana hotspot. Then he left without buying food for anyone.”

“If I cant post, it isn’t my revolution”

“I was like “this vape tastes funny” and she was like “oh yeah its dmt””

“you wanna hear about what happened in my AP Gov class today?”

“reminder: stalin saved the world from fascism”

8 points
Part 2

“This post breaks site rules! I am reporting the post instead of posting! If you disagree then please DM a mod because its my right as a user to know why not. Otherwise if its not necessary due to the post being locked then its fine. I just want this user to know that their drama-seeking, malicious, hostile, bullying post is unacceptable.”

“A marxist with an internet connection can create absolute fucking havok if they’re dedicated enough. The movement rises and recedes like the crash of a wave”

"Notice to all suxbears entering this premesis: Donald Trump is a communist and he is just like you. Everyone here agrees! "

“Is this post for real a response to someone suggesting that being obsessed with online communities isn’t a particularly healthy habit? Because I just came from that post on the front page where you called that person a boomer right before making this post.”

“Do the Dead mean nothing to you?”

" days until a sitting U.S. Congressperson says the word ‘tankie’ on T.V."

“You had the audacity to change your class? Just like that? Like flipping on a light switch? Now your labor belongs to yourself. You are self-exploiting. Congratulations. Welcome to the petit bourgeoisie.”

“You can see no shortage of some unknown number of unscrupulous, anonymous mods in the modlog.”

“mods!! mods! one of those obscene low follower count boys stole a lick from the delicious lolly that Father bought me!! ah! how dreadful !”

“there’s a class of people on this site the law protects and does not punish, while there’s another class of people the law punishes, but does not protect.”

“all cops are removed

“Hexbear is a facsimile, mediated through a thousand screens. go kiss, go get kissed, go reject a kiss, go be denied a kiss. go out.”

“bidets are the next step in the historical material process of ass cleaning. live in ass feudalism if you like, but don’t get jealous when ass communism happens and you aren’t invited because youve left your ass in the dark ages”

“ban me if you must, but i will go down swinging”

“idk if a therapy session is the best place to go off on a Maoist Third Worldist rant, but you do you I guess”

“Okay, first learn how to do the dishes and then maybe you can work on buying a bidet. If you can’t understand the analogy then I’d hate to see your kitchen.”

“cornrade biggs, will you bring a revolutonary people’s war to christmas?”

“haha, manufactured consent printer go brrr”

“You likely came here from the Discord and you want to dictate social norms to me, and you wonder why it won’t work.”

“Tbh, I completely expected to be viewed as a friend after being here so long”

“Like, yeah, all billionaires are awful and some do shit like build weapons. Goddamn do I hate Musk more than all of them. It’s like how people hate Umbridge more than Voldemort.”

“You can grow tobacco in your kitchen. Try growing a car.”

“You’re re-posting your not-tweet from a twitter knock-off that you use because it’s open source and federated and posting your not-tweet here because in some way you think that’s posting”

“One attendee recounts the Chief Twit “absolutely [turning] into a corncob” in the face of the crowd reaction (80% of the stadium boos)”

“I can’t tell how many layers of irony are happening here.”

“People on psychedelics are open to much weirder shit than marxism. I’m not saying you should MK Ultra your friend, but what if you did?”

“hexbear is filmed in front of a live studio audience”

“Tonight at 7pm MSK on Cytube we’re watching the The Jerma Show!

“If this is a paraphrase of your take we have a pretty big misunderstanding”

“AOC is doing what the unions asked her to do!”

“Except I’m not a burger eating oil thief, chauvanist.”

“I don’t drag you in front of your computer screen and demand you comment at gunpoint.”

“I am a communist. I am an anarchist. I am a Marxist. I am a socialist. My disagreements are based purely on those terms.”

“Do I need to have blue and white light continually crisping my retinas to please you?”

“I get dancing, I just don’t have the urge to do it. Which is a little weird because a lot of the music I like is very danceable”

“Republicans won the house by less than 1 percent!”

“Noooo don’t you see the right is winning the culture war!!!”

“Home of Young Sheldon Fans Worldwide”

“When the users post too much they complain it causes the website to break, that users are terminally online and need to touch grass, they complain struggle sessions are lame and 1000 comments is really just the same one guy and the same 5 people spamming the same comments over and over.”

“When the users don’t post enough they complain the community is too small and insulated, that leftism is dead and nazis won the culture war.”

“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”

“Best line in the Elizabeth Warren beer catastrophe is, to her husband, “Thank you for being here. I’m glad you’re here” It’s their house, he’s supposed to be there!”

“A$AP Rocky released from prison and on his way home to the United States from Sweden. It was a Rocky Week, get home ASAP A$AP!”

“The Coca Cola company is not happy with me–that’s okay, I’ll still keep drinking that garbage.”

“I too have a Posting Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”

“He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people Joe!”

“My son Donald is doing very well. Thank you!”

“Good Morning, Have A Great Day!”

“it ain’t me, it ain’t me, i ain’t no son :trans-specter:”

“John Bolton was one of the dumbest people in government that I’ve had the “pleasure” to work with. A sullen, dull and quiet guy, he added nothing to National Security except, “Gee, let’s go to war.” Also, illegally released much Classified Information. A real dope!”

“i personally think capitalism is quite cringe”


“Running on Java Minecraft v0.9”

“unfortunately not everyone here is a volcel”

“Avoid the Noid”

“cant go 2 seconds without someone trying to tell me piss is good. if piss is so good then why do they pay guys to mop it up?? go read Theory”

unsafe { start_hexbear() }

“You’re a gusano, Harry!”

“Cumming is bourgeois”

“scrolling through 900,000 emails calling me a hideous cock sucker to find a benihana coupon i thought i saw like a week ago”

" is a liberal."

“shidding out of my doodoo ass”

“you love to see it folks”

“:pete: If we can light up a high school gym—we can light a neighborhood. :pete:”


“Kissinger: still not dead :angery:”

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read The Conquest of Bread

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read State and Revolution

“ok i pull up”

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink and Blue

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read The Communist Manifesto

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read What Is To Be Done?

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read Synopsis of Capital

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read Letter from a Birmingham Jail

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read Sonic’s Space-Time Adventure

“People won’t join Lemmy while it’s so full of political propaganda. I’m thinking about leaving and I was thrilled to be part of it two months ago. Hexbear.net is really poisoning the well for me.”

“On hexbear.net, moderators are a traumatizing social power-dynamic, left up to the whim of 1 person, that has a significant effect on your life, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“bit idea: 01100001 00100000 01110000 01101001 01100111 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110000 01101111 01101111 01110000 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100001 01101100 01101100 01110011”


“me and my nephew taking turns on the bad take machine to see what asinine bullshit we’re posting about today”

“you’ve been doxxed motherfucker, i know the first three numbers”

“so sorry for party rockin”

“casually plugging in the full 5tb drive i have that contains only the same jpeg of mc ride and that big fuckin moth over and over again into my boss’s computer (trolled)”

“hexagonal family crest with a bear on it”

“motherfuckers buying nfts when you can just right click”

“62 65 61 72”

“not safe for the british”

“logging on to reddit to create /r/shitfuck23i290i as my 57th attempt at making a cth clone and watching it get banned instantly”

“you could read a hexbear tagline or you could just look at the dril tweets we finessed them from”

“i got pigpoop balls from the fucking moderator.”

“listening to my mom slowly read the dilbert guy’s tweets out loud about how xi jinping personally got his son addicted to fentanyl and shaking my head to show that i disagree”

“making a megathread about the most menial shit and watching everyone be forced to post in it since the sun goes away first for me”

“lib, laugh, love”

“True freedom is the ability to spout nonsense on a forum, label a community the way you see it, call the people illiterate and see the moderators as authoritarian without getting punched in the face.”

“she turned me into a walkable city with that high speed rail”

8 points
Part 3

“Raddle has existed for years. You should remember that the authoritarians who founded Hexbear could have made a forum on our site, but they decided to chase power instead.”

“How is asking you to judge a decision based on the alternatives available at the time ‘we live in society’? Can you explain your smell please?”

“Hexbear in general is ridiculous. It’s a system of rules enforced on people so people look to power posters to get told the rules, when a critical thinker scientifically oriented sophisticated intelligent person will look at the logic and PHYSICS of how to post or comment.”

“bawling, numb, desolate as i realize my specific way of clogging my fuckig arteries was messed up”

“Proud single-day host of the CPC”

“proud cop hating buttlog community”

“there is a french person in my house and he keeps asking me what this picture of a pipe is, please help”

"current person of ridicule: "

“what if we had communism but wasn’t invited to it, that’d be fucking hilarious”

“doing a fuckn sick triple backflip to distract anyone who tries to ask if th homelessness crisis could be fixed by just giving them the empty houses that well outnumber them”

“hyperloop? more like diaperpoop. elon musk legally has to give me all his assets now.”

“having a public breakdown as my friends start to realize i’m not actually slavoj zizek”

“deliberately visiting a site i don’t like to own myself”

“i saw keir starmer in the pub last night, chill guy, slapped a tory sticker on him and bolted”

“marvel slop true kino parasite 0/10”

“creating a music genre called hog so one day there will be post-hog artists”

“putting a bunch of random shit next to a soyboy wojak and seeing who gets mad”

“Stream Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx!”

“Remember to turn off your russian keyboard товарищ”

“Revolutions in mirror may be closer than they appear”

“What’s the frequency, Kenpachi?”

“It’s got what libs crave!”

“over time it’s become apparent this is what hexbear users do repeatedly: gaslight and troll because they thrive off the perception of “triggering” people.”

“tip your landlord

"No everything has to be serious at all times and we cannot find any humor in the absurdity of hell world. The last time I smiled was on August 19th, 1991. I wear a dirty ushanka at all times, do not shave, and only take cold sponge baths because hot running water is bourgeoisie decadence. Every day at exactly noon I have the same meal of an expired Maoist MRE I store in a pit covered in old issues of a revolutionary newspaper. I sleep in a bed made of flags from every failed revolution so that they are never forgotten. In the evenings I stare at a picture of vodka by candlelight, but I do not allow myself to drink because there is nothing to celebrate. Every local org has banned me after I attempted to split it by assassinating the leadership. There is no plumbing in my house I shit in a brass bucket with a picture of Gonzalo and Deng french kissing in the bottom of it. My house is actually an overturned T34 in an abandoned junkyard in Wisconsin. I have a single friend in this world and it is a tapeworm named Bordiga that I met after ingesting spoiled borscht on 9/11 in the ruins of building 7 (I blew it up after finding that a nominally leftist NGO inside of it wasn’t sufficiently anti-imperialist, the attacks on the world trade center were a perfect revolutionary moment for me to enact direct praxis against liberalism). My source of income is various MLM schemes in the former soviet bloc that have been running for so long no one remembers who I am, they just keep sending money. I have not paid taxes since McGovern lost the Democratic nomination for president and my faith in electoralism died more brutally than my childhood dog after it got into an entire jar of tylenol. I own 29 fully automatic rusted kalashnikovs and three crates of ammunition entirely incompatible with them or any other firearms I own. My double PHD in marxist economics and 18th century Swiss philosophy (required to understand Engels) sits over the fireplace of my home, my fireplace is a salvaged drum from a 1950s washing machine that was recalled for locking children inside of it. I chose that washing machine model on purpose because I am anti-natalist. During the latest BLM protests I firebombed a Nikes outlet in the middle of a peaceful candlelit vigil. William F Buckley and I wrote hatemail to one another for 47 years until my final letter gave him an aneurysm. The only water I drink is from puddles. George Lucas and I dropped acid together during an MKULTRA southern baptist summer camp and he went on to write the movie Willow about our time together. The best way to test whether an electrical wire is live is to drool on it and shrimp salad is racist. You can make an IED out of potassium and the instructions are online thanks to Timothy McVey, who was actually a committed antifascist communist slandered by the deep state as part of operation condor. Every time a liberal files a restraining order against me, I carve a mark into the wall. I am running out of walls. When Amerika finally collapses I will be ready to lead the revolution. I am very smart and people like being around me. "

“if it puts your minds at ease I myself am bisexual and watch the Jimquisition religiously”

“I’ve always wanted one of my comments to become a tagline, but I don’t want to get banned in the attempt.”

“yeah i go on hexbear.net for the sophisticated political discourse like “would you fuck a clown?””

“I switched to a instance that block Hexbear.net. Sometimes, I can get a little political without too many issues, I am a far left anti capitalist tho, I just really dislike facists with a bit of red paint!”

“Maybe you’re right! I just don’t care because you’re assholes about it.”

“Fuck these tankies man. I’m as leftist as they come and I HATE what these people are doing to the cause. We want healthcare and equal rights, and these hexbears are dragging us all down with their fascination for those horrible fascist regimes (it takes 2 braincells to realize the CCP is 1984 incarnate).”

"Are you asking me if I gave my shrimp a wedding?

Are you implying your shrimp are living in sin?"

“Oh fuck, didn’t see what instance this is. I will become killed.”

" Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. "

"Leninists and OG Marxists usually don’t get lumped in with Tankies - while Trotskists definitely should be. Tankies accept blatant authoritarianism as an acceptable cost to achieve socialism, non-Tankies reject authoritarian regimes.

… and super-Tankies are hexbear.net users."

“pee pee poo poo”

“Piss and shit”

“Nancy Pelosi is the god emperor, corporate Memphis is the official art style, it truely is the dark ages.”

“Listen here you emotional commie, ever heard of Remy Descart? Probably not, it would probably hurt your feelings. Anyway, Descart said “Cogito, ergo sum” which is Latin (he was from Latin America) and means “I think, therefore I am.” Me, I think I am rational, therefore I am rational. Cogito facts, ergo logic motherfucker. Maybe you can’t understand sentences with no pronouns in them?”

“your one-stop community for any and all time-travel related discussion. Earth flat, not round, yes we get it, but off-topic posts will be removed. We are teleportation adjacent.”

“Gollum owns his own home: a cozy little cave in a walkable (well, climbable) goblin city that is devoid of suburban sprawl and car-centric bullshit. He also used to get free health care via the One Ring (albeit no dental).”

“Stay out of my territory.”

“I and many other Web Authors such as myself am much aggrieved by the constant, incessant, and unceasing use of emotes on this Web site. It is acrimonious and salacious that authors such as myself who insist upon having serious intercourse are placed at such a magnumonious disadvantage.”

“That is unironically what hexbear.net wants. Nobody is immune to propaganda and hexbear.net knows that, if hexbear.net can get people to start looking there - even out of hatred - they can recruit into their echo chamber. That’s their goal.”

“max stirner was made up by engels in order for marx to get really mad at him”

“I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.”

“i am trying to log onto discord to debate you, unfortunately the captcha says i need a picture of your genitalia to proceed, please send it posthaste so we can engage in the marketplace of ideas”

“Chatters Last Against The Wall”

“Time is a flat hex”

“Train good. Car bad.”

“like reddit but without the nazis”

“I cannot fucking wait until Henry Kissinger verbs”

“This is how Bernie can still win”

“Mad, red, and nude online.”

“It’s in Moscow, get to posting!”

9 points
Part 4

“too young, too simple, sometimes naive!!!”



“Imagine if the worst mods on reddit were also admins”

“My ban was worth seeing ‘sent a picture of a pig shitting’ in the modlog tho.”

“it’s like all of the worst posters from the subreddit teamed up to make the worst forum humanly possible.”

“If pronouns push you to fascism you already had sat down at the table but forgot to remove your coat”

“I mustn’t log off. I mustn’t log off. I mustn’t log off. :shinji-screm:”

“I’m the only poster, everyone else is my alt.”

“Presinald Trunt, you’ve been impeached.”

“No Red-Brown Alliance.”

“Home of the One True Leftist.”

“You wanna talk about outdoor cats?”

" struggle sessions and counting!"

“Take the grillpill.”

“there are two wolves inside of you, seek help”

“These hexbear people appear to be extremely online. Them federating with us here will have a major impact on these spaces, for better and worse.”

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read Combat Liberalism

“rm -rf .git && git init && touch readme.md && git commit -am ‘important’ && git branch | grep -v ‘temp_branch’ | xargs git branch -D && git gc --aggressive --prune=all && git push origin --prune --all --force”

“you may not have faced material consequences, but you were held accountable.”

“/r/stupidpol lacks any alignment with our platform and received a negative score that cannot be graphed.”

“Hitler was a Marxist, Marx studied Leninism. Lenin studied Stalinism, Stalinism is Communism. The linear progression of time proves that.”

“:power-stride: Ain’t nothin’ gonna break my stride :power-stride:”

“Too young, too simple, sometimes naive.”

“Stan Kelly Fan Club”


“:freedom-hater: The Official Club of Freedom Haters and Flag Burners :amerikkka:”

“:meat: incognito tab # :meat:”

“/c/main must die so we can get our stimulus checks”

“keep the regime change, jack!”

“I monitored us through everything. I have watched this site through its growing pains and it’s rises and falls. I fucking care. And what do I have to show for it, but a trail of pig, poop balls”

“critical support for socks and sandals”

“Karl’s dog was named Barx”

“lemmy.world has power. It has the people and the content. Flexing a little in support of human rights is 100% a good thing.”

“Can anyone please help me understand what we just did?”


“The Most Liberal Place On The Internet”

“You have been found the culprit of being a Communist bitch. Get ready for the day of judgment.”

“The people are awake and observant. Your cringeposts will not be left unpunished”

“Not into hookups, just into Jungle”

“If u lost ur pet pidgin /it’s dead in front yard my Iowa farm JUST DISCOVERED here r identifiers Right leg Blue 2020/3089/AU2020/SHE ///LEFT LEG GREEN BAND NO PRINTED INFO. Sorry for bad news”

“Sitemods manufacturing consent so you don’t remember that sick 1080 i did at the skate park”

“Didn’t find enough :nineteeneightyfour: wrongthink :nineteeneightyfour: to ban me?”

“Do you want “Based” on your gravestone?”

“In the beginning, /r/chapotraphouse was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.”

““you’re clearly owned! i’ve definitely owned you!!”, i continue to insist as i slowly grow and transform into a corn field”

“Our agents are creating discord between your already unhinged groups.”

“Peter Albert David Singer AC (born 6 July 1946) is a motherfucking coward who refuses to fight me in the school parking lot”

“The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all.”

“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure,it’s not your fault”

“Investigate 3/11”

“Every time I speak of the haters and losers I do so with great love and affection. They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!”

“I keep getting asked for specific examples of the bad things that authoritarian “communist” regimes have done and I can’t find much help with google, can yall help me out?”

“Big Helmet is propagandising people to wear a helmet”

“It’s like you didn’t even try to read anything I said then typed “high school debate club edgy communist” into ChatGPT”

“hexbear is like Ben Shapiro and a communist manifesto hate fucked and then was given internet access.”

“What YOU think you know about our moderation team is informed solely by third-hand hearsay and screenshots released by someone abusing their position, edited and therefore cherry picked to support a narrative.”

“I am not familiar with the term, “posting” or its meaning… I’m hoping to get some serious answers and perhaps even some comedic answers…”

“One of these trolls was an admin of hexbear who was dumb enough to use their name in their email address…”

“take it aisy” – Friedrich Engels, 1868”

“I do self criticism constantly, because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me merciloussly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards) They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slave with bourgeois app” is “bad vibes””

“BOOMER ALERT, this decrepit relic of a bygone era isn’t browsing hexbear on an Apple Vision Pro”

“It’s the gestures that do it for me. I love flicking and pinching and tapping way more than moving around like a robot.”

“posting isn’t a real thing. It doesn’t exist. If you make conscious decisions about what to comment based on an informed view of posting, you will still feel bad. It’s not some magic signal telling you that you’re not getting enough attention, it’s a dumb feeling that exists in your head. You ignore it, and it goes away. The feeling of posting cannot harm you.”

temporarily disabled inline images

“YOU! Yes, you, . Go read Naomi’s Trans Research Document

“And I love you, random Hexbear user!”

“My PMC DSA cat (indoor, 14M, his name is Jackson) vehemently refuses to eat the bugs that I’m feeding him for all his meals. Am I (2F) the Asshole?”

“I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done.”

“D4 D4 D5 A4 G#4 G4 F4 D4 F4 G4”

“Home of Brandon”

“Let us go in the direction that Brandon is!”

“Home of Treat Connoisseurs”

“sorry folks i forgot the tagline, hope thats ok”

“Dear Federal Agents: This is~~'nt~~ a satirical website.”

“who the fuck is marx :grillman:”

“[bad thing] is Voldemort and [good thing] is Dumbletron :so-true:”

“the four personality traits: protagonist, fucking nerd, ontologically evil, and none of the above”

“Day of reminding you mfs to play CrossCode :lenin-shining:”

“it ain’t a mourning without the Guantanamo Bay McDonald’s Flag at half-mast”

“This is a religious genuflection; Catholics need to genuflect before entering a Pew to acknowledge the divinity of the Eucharist, left anticommunists must always denounce the USSR before speaking to acknowledge the primacy of liberalism.”

“Any soldier born after 1980 can’t fight, all they know is call in air-strike, hide behind tank, murder civilian, eat MRE and lie.”

“Bazingabrain rapper Y-E-A-T won’t start releasing songs about hexbear :wojack-nooo:”

“Hexbear moderators operate from the assumption that 300 users are actually Ziq”

“You can just do lib shit quietly and/or ignorantly like 80% of the people here.”

“Power Dynamics.”

“Smdh socialists always want big government to solve their problems. Rally your neighbors to shoot the children yourself.”


“Go outside. Touch vegetables. Cut your condescending shit bourgie and get to the fields”

“I believe all men burn their hands every time they make pizza and that’s why Italian dudes kiss each other instead of shaking hands, There’s nothing anybody on hexbear can do to change my mind.”

“You are performatively doing the symbolic castration as we speak fool.”

“you are sent into a somehow entirely materially separate contained “masculine” world where your entire existence until you die will be strip mining, gladiator blood sports, big totally not gay spartan style orgies etc oh and nonstop war of course.”

“They’re a menace not to be trusted I stand and die on this hill”

“I was born beautiful and perfect from the Conjunction Betwixt Earth, Sky, and Sun and any suggestion that I am less than the complete and indivisible grace of the universe is Bad Leftism.”

“In America, they do not let you ride bicycles. If you are caught riding one, you are immediately executed by Ford F-150”

“Being a leftist means flattering your every proclivity and, whenever challenged, completely denying the idea that you could be doing something wrong from any valid perspective.”

“Those hexbear folks are a lot more annoying and persistent than EH”

“Honestly those ultra right-wingers are pretty bad but the ultra left-wingers are worse. And as a lefty that is pretty sad to see. But I’m probably not left enough for those on hexbear.net

“Joe Biden owes me $2,000. Kamala Harris owes me $2,000. Nancy Pelosi owes me $2,000. Chuck Schumer owes me $2,000.”

“What about third impeachment?”

“PinkNews but Pinkoer”

“suck off a liberal and a fascist cums”

“Post hog”


Just keep hitting refresh till you find the one you are looking for.

15 points




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  2. If the question asked is serious, answer seriously.

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