Proper safety would be not having kids put in situations (like a sport where they get tackled by other 200 pound children) where their brain could start swelling as a result.
Well, I suppose so, yeah. Some people just like contact sports, and I think they should be allowed to play it if they’re made aware of the risks. Same goes for any other risky activity.
“But what if the child consents tho?” is not the defense you think it is lmao
Ah yes, contact sport is totally the same as pedophilia.
What’s your point? You want the adult to consent on their behalf for them to play the game? Sure. That’s probably already a reality, in that if a parent tells their kid they aren’t allowed to play or says it’s too dangerous then a lot of kids would obey their parent. Mine wouldn’t allow me to play rugby without a scrumcap when I was a kid.
If you ban the sport wholesale, people are just going to play it in unsafe deregulated environments. I think that even happened to rugby in Greece at one point.