As it stands now, this community serves mostly as a way to get money. That isn’t a bad thing, but cash is not a 1-size-fits-all solution to every problem. Taking care of a persons needs is always priority #1, but at times, said person is unfit to handle money in a way that reliably alleviates those needs. Traditional, local, mutual-aid networks can usually address this in the form of community pot lucks, clothing exchange, etc. Here we are more or less limited to advice and more money.

Making a rule about unsolicited advice and being critical of users, limits us to just money as a tool to solve problems. Sometimes people need a tough conversation to grow as a person, sometimes people need to be reminded of the situation they are in. Yes, the capitalist system is oppressive. Yes, there are systemic issues that prevent us all from succeeding. That doesn’t mean there is no situation where decision making is a factor. Sometimes, you do actually need help making better choices. This isn’t to shame people for making bad decisions, sometimes there are psychiatric reasons, sometimes they genuinely don’t know any better, but you still should speak up so they can potentially correct the problem and learn.

This rule effectively creates a hug-box where we all pretend that personal responsibility doesn’t exist, that there is simply nothing to be done. It’s incredibly infantile, it’s a cope, and the people in this community deserve better than that.

EDIT: I feel I may have had a change of heart after reading the comments left by @EelBolshevikism If you are looking for a somewhat comprehensive response, those comments are likely a good starting point.

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Marxism depends on the existence of free will, for without free will there cannot be revolution and social change.

You are very much misunderstanding Determinism, comrade. Determinism is less about worrying that the future is set in stone and more about understanding that the trajectory of the future is determined by the forces applied in the present.

7 points

There are of course many degrees of determinism depending on the philosopher. In western philosophy (which includes Marx) I think it is accurate to contrast determinism with free will. Marx and Marxism are often accused of holding mechanical-deterministic views of history in which revolution is seen to be inevitable in a mechanical sense. This is plainly not the way in which Marx conceived of history, in fact it is exactly the opposite. For example, writings like his Theses on Feuerbach, especially Theses 1 and 3, in which he criticizes the deterministic views of the mechanical materialists which neglect the essential role of human activity (free will).


I’m not looking to start a philosophical debate in the middle of a mutual aid struggle session, comrade. But if you are immediately assuming human activity = free will, you have already put the cart before the horse.




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    1. Mods do not vet individual mutual aid requests. Donate at your own risk and hold each other accountable. If you see something even remotely suspicious, do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of a moderator for review.
    1. All mutual aid requests must go in this community.
    1. Do not request donations for funding anything explicitly illegal.
    1. Sending censored donation receipts to the moderator team is based.
    1. Moderator Pinning Rules:

    a. Moderators are strictly prohibited from promoting/endorsing/pinning individual mutual aid requests (especially those of their own) as this creates unfair post visibility and could therefore benefit more from that than the standard user. Moderators caught engaging in this behavior will be swiftly removed from the moderator board with extreme prejudice.

    b. Moderators are allowed to pin and crosspost to !main donation requests for large scope issues such as natural disaster relief funds and bail funds (Example) along with other crowd or moderator compiled informational resources pertaining to donating or volunteering (Example) so long as the utmost due diligence is done prior to endorsement, especially in the case of directing people to donate to non-profit organizations.

    c. Financial documents of non-profit organizations available to the public must be heavily scrutinized before moderator endorsement and links to those must also be included in the endorsement post to help the community make their own decision as to whether or not they should donate.

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