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The study of how factors such as geography, economics, military capability and non-State actors affects the foreign policy of states.

All articles will require a short submission statement of 3-5 sentences.

Use the article title as the submission title. Do not editorialize the title or add your own commentary to the article title.

In this community we encourage long, in-depth submissions. Submissions should not be news articles that merely provide quick updates on current events; instead they should include background information and an explanation as to why the events they describe are occurring.

Submissions should not be about an individual country’s domestic policies. Instead, they should be about relationships between different countries and/or relevant international organizations. Things like breakaway politics are permitted in this subreddit, as they are relevant to and could affect the geopolitical system.

Submissions are strongly encouraged to come from reputable sources. When posting from a lesser known source, please check whether the authors have some sort of qualification demonstrating they are knowledgeable of the subjects they discuss.

Sources that include (or solely contain) maps, statistics, or other multimedia (videos, interviews, primary sources, etc.) are permitted and even encouraged in this subreddit.

We encourage discussion and welcome anyone to pose hypotheses and ask questions. We allow self-posts.

We encourage comments to be cited.

Community stats

  • 169

    Monthly active users

  • 229


  • 532




  1. No capitalist apologia / anti-communism.
  2. No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
  3. Be respectful. This is a safe space where all comrades should feel welcome; this includes a warning against uncritical sectarianism.
  4. No porn or sexually explicit content (even if marked NSFW).
  5. No right-deviationists (patsocs, nazbols, Strasserists, Duginists, etc).

Since January 2023, the creation of new “Shit X Say” type communities is not allowed. Please post anything of that nature to Shit Reactionaries Say or Shit Ultras Say.

Public Matrix chatroom

Vetting-based Matrix space and homeserver for /c/GenZedong

ProleWiki - the proletarian Marxist-Leninist encyclopedia

The following communities are for sectarian posting;
