
SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]

176 posts • 9K comments

“Crises teasingly hold out the possibility of dramatic reversals only to be followed by surreal continuity as the old order cadaverously fights back.”

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What a moment for the dumbass undecided voter who votes on pure unfiltered vibes, one guy can barely talk while the other guy gets shot and then raises his fist in victory. Say what you want about Donny, but there hasn’t been such a good showman politician in a long time.

I’ve seen the footage of the attempt and it’s very obvious that he knew exactly what he was doing. He gets stopped mid-sentence by the bullet and the Secret Service comes barreling up the steps to cover him with their bodies from potential further attacks, and as he’s being moved down the steps in a clump, he purposefully stops them and raises his fist before moving on.

I think that’s the best political acumen I have ever seen a major US politician demonstrate. Period. In a single hand motion, it shifts the entire event from one of panic and despair, to one of brave resistance against the “communist Brandonist totalitarian woke regime” or whatever. I don’t think any other US politician would have the wherewithal in the immediate aftermath of almost being killed to do that, they’d just GTFO. Trump has contentbrain and it worked very well for him here.


Biden sees the post-attempt polling boost for Trump, decides to fake an assassination on himself via the Secret Service, but forgets that he’s meant to keep standing in the same place so as to make sure the bullet barely misses and instead starts incoherently wandering on the stage halfway through the speech because he saw the ghost of Strom Thurmond beckoning at him, getting him killed.

Then Harris takes over and wins the electoral college but loses the popular vote, causing every Trump supporter in the country to have a rage-induced aneurysm.


Republican version of the Dem’s constant circlejerking over January 6th. good fucking god


he’s the lying guy from one of those riddles where there’s two guards for two doors and one of them only lies, while the other only tells the truth


How much do you guys think that America will change its geopolitics when trump takes over?

I think it’s possible (though I couldn’t give you any odds) that Trump’s election would shift Europe against NATO, but not immediately, and not to the point of dissolution or anything. Like, Ukraine would lose in 2025 or 2026 and then in like 2027, the fractures between western Europe and the former Soviet countries would be heightened at a time of incompetent leadership by Trump where he forces them to buy overly expensive weaponry when there’s no immediate need for those weapons because the war is over. The currently low rate of profit means there’s not a ton of capitalists chomping at the bit to make arms factories and related materials like steel, and doubly so if there’s no big wars on the horizon once Ukraine is done.

Other than that, I don’t see any fundamental shifts in strategy other than a preference towards pissing off China over Russia. They’ll certainly try and start shit with Iran but I also feel like how that strategy will ultimately look will depend on how the Middle East looks by then; whether Israel starts a war with Hezbollah and promptly self-destructs or they manage to keep things together for another year or two while Knesset politicians start booking permanent vacations out of the country. They’ll try and break up the Saudi-Iran rapprochement but whether that’ll work is far from certain.

sizable domestic policy changes seems baked in, but foreign policy will just be an exaggerated version of the status quo. this will be destructive for everybody involved - for the developing world, for China, for other poorer socialist countries, but also for America itself.


every left-wing and/or queer American is so inconceivably fucked.

I was on the fence about whether Biden was actually gonna win or lose, because the Republicans are just as good as losing leads due to their bonkers views as the Democrats are at losing leads due to their lack of any meaningful positive results, but now it seems like Trump really is gonna win. the only chance that the Democrats have now is to force Biden to step aside and let Harris try and lead them to victory. if they don’t do this, I think Trump wins.


I don’t even pay attention to US presidential polls until we’re like a week away from election day because of this shit. Everything can change on a dime


why do I even bother touching grass when extremely funny things keep happening while I do so.

I saw this when I loaded up Hexbear and I was just like “oh fuck, has Israel invaded Lebanon or did Russia hit NATO or something?”:

must once again make an effort to be 100% online at all times. put the newsmega microchip in my brain

the sheer whiplash from “WE MUST DEFEAT TRUMP AT ALL COSTS! we’re so desperate that we have to consider ditching the president to do so. it’s the ONLY WAY to defeat fascism and Project 2025” to “<3 get well soon, hope your hospital stay is good, xoxoxo” from liberals is going to be extremely entertaining. violence is never the answer unless it happens to be against Palestinian children.
